From Fedora Project Wiki
< G11N
This is first Fedora globalization meeting with the involvement of l10n, i18n, zanata and fltg groups. You are welcome to join and express if any suggestions.
Time: 0430 UTC
Place: #fedora-meeting on Freenode
Action items
Action items from previous meeting
- mkim and apeter followup with lukebrooker
- apeter to draft sprint proposal and send on mailing list for discussion
- noriko to prepare draft for extending Translation deadline and send to mailing list.
- pravins to create g11n mailing list.
- minimum percentage of translation to say language is supported or not.
- epico to submit change proposal for "switch default Traditional Chinese IME to ibus-libzhuyin"
- mfabian to discuss glibc sub-packaging idea with carlos.
- ping ueno for update on Wayland IM for F23 change proposal.
- pravins to draft change proposal for Audit for default fonts in Fedora.
- fujiwarat do draft change IBus improvement plans for KDE in wiki for F23.
- pravins do draft change proposal for Unicode 8.0 update for glibc.
- Mohamed_Fawzy to propose idea on Arab translation on trans list.
- Upcoming schedule
- [New Topic] FLTG revive plan for Fedora 23 - Ani
- [New Topic] UTRRS - Satyabrata
- [Followup] Zanata feedback survey - Ani
- [Followup] L10N sprints based on F23 - Ani
- [Followup] Translation deadline around Beta - Noriko
- [Followup] G11N Infrastructure (IRC, Wiki and Ticket etc.) - Pravin
- [Followup] G11N FAD - proposal Pravin
- [Followup]#50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23
- Minutes =
- Log =