From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 20:40, 18 November 2015 by Jflory7 (talk | contribs) (Add more information about the "what", "why", and "when")

Fedora Appreciation Day is an idea stemmed from Ubuntu's UCADay as mentioned by User:Cprofitt in #fedora-commops. I believe this would be a beneficial idea to plan and organize for our own community to help boost morale and further foster a positive foundation for Fedora.

What is it?

Inspired by the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day, I believe it is of great interest to the Fedora Project community to organize a similar day or week of appreciation for the contributors who help volunteer their time to help make Fedora what it is - whether this be from a development, infrastructure, marketing, engineering, or any other relevant standpoint.

During this period of appreciation, users and contributors alike would be highly encouraged to select either a single or group of contributors to thank for their efforts in the Project. This appreciation could be given in as simple of a way as cookies in IRC, a short note of thanks delivered on a wiki page, or maybe in rare cases, perhaps even a physical manifestation such as a letter!

Why do it?

The purpose of planning such an event is driven by the form of communication in an open source project such as Fedora. For many of us, our daily interactions, discussions, and meeting are in a non-lively format such as text via IRC or in other forms of text delivery, such as email and wiki articles. This is effective for accomplishing our goals and getting work done, but in a sense, we lose that human sense of interpersonal interactions and physical cues. Sometimes it can almost seem like we're all just robots, with the exception of video conference calls with some members of the community.

So why wait for the next year's Flock or FUDcon(s) to roll around in order to regain some of that humanity? There are ways that we as a project can still reach out to each other and make an impact without just giving high-fives at conferences. In a sense, the "system" is already in place with the implementation of the Fedora "cookie" badges from IRC. With a little bit of joint organization and awareness, we could create our own community appreciation day or week to help boost our bonds not just as a FOSS project, but as a community and even in some sense a family.

Or, in other words... community++!

When is it?

Ideally, a Fedora Appreciation Day event would take place sometime close to a holiday. It's cliché, but also effective in terms of bolstering community camaraderie and bonding.



Picking a contributor

Noting contributions

Writing your appreciation

Delivering the appreciation

Other notes

Based on the objectives and tasks of the Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team, I think this sort of task would best be organized by them.