From Fedora Project Wiki

Not Started or Blocked

Bugzilla Package name Primary contact Status Notes
nodejs-npmconf sgallagh
Fail fail
Package is dead upstream and has been merged into npm
RHBZ #1142950 nodejs-slide tomh
Unknown unknown
Needs update to 1.1.6


In progress

Bugzilla Package name Primary contact Status Notes
npm sgallagh
Unknown unknown
Packaging in progress
RHBZ #1031982 nodejs-tap jsmith
Unknown unknown
New package needed for NodeJS 4. Depends on nodejs-tap-parser


Bugzilla Package name Primary contact Status Notes
lodash tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
node-gyp tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-abbrev sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1096644 nodejs-ansi tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1237369 nodejs-ansi-regex jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1299052 nodejs-aproba sgallagh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-archy sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1292233 nodejs-are-we-there-yet jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1170998 nodejs-argparse jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292237 nodejs-array-index jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1273874 nodejs-balanced-match jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1273882 nodejs-brace-expansion jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291353 nodejs-builtin-modules jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-chownr sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1285051 nodejs-cjson jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292149 nodejs-cli-color jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-cmd-shim tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-columnify sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4
RHBZ #1291938 nodejs-commonmark jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1273880 nodejs-concat-map jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1010900 nodejs-config-chain tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292424 nodejs-d jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291949 nodejs-defence jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292136 nodejs-defence-cli jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292232 nodejs-delegates jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1233704 nodejs-dezalgo tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292181 nodejs-difflib jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292124 nodejs-docopt jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1285412 nodejs-ebnf-parser jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1060039 nodejs-editor tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292416 nodejs-es5-ext jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292413 nodejs-es6-iterator jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292412 nodejs-es6-symbol jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292425 nodejs-es6-weak-map jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291364 nodejs-escape-string-regexp jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1092945 nodejs-esprima tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292426 nodejs-event-emitter jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1273133 nodejs-events-to-array jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1299225 nodejs-fs-vacuum tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1261676 nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-fstream tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-fstream-npm tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292269 nodejs-gauge jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-glob tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1005977 nodejs-graceful-fs tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291390 nodejs-graceful-readlink jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291391 nodejs-has-ansi jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291539 nodejs-has-unicode pnemade
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1278960 nodejs-heap jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1292274 nodejs-iferr jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292280 nodejs-imurmurhash jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1291400 nodejs-inherit jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1100685 nodejs-ini tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1003352 nodejs-init-package-json tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292287 nodejs-is-absolute jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291392 nodejs-is-builtin-module jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292293 nodejs-is-relative jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292292 nodejs-is-unc-path jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292295 nodejs-is-windows jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1296302 nodejs-jison piotrp
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1285056 nodejs-jju zsvetlik
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1294078 nodejs-json-diff jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1285049 nodejs-jsonselect jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1014483 nodejs-js-yaml tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1285057 nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror zsvetlik
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1131043 nodejs-lockfile tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1288858 lodash tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292428 nodejs-lru-queue jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291933 nodejs-mdurl jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292429 nodejs-memoizee jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-mkdirp tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292400 nodejs-next-tick jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1066351 nodejs-nopt tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-normalize-git-url zsvetlik
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1060028 nodejs-normalize-package-data jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1236772 nodejs-npm-cache-filename tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1244042 nodejs-npm-install-checks tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1024213 nodejs-npm-registry-client tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1090921 nodejs-npm-user-validate tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-npmlog sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1244043 nodejs-npm-package-arg tomh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
nodejs-once jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1132857 nodejs-opener tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1101969 nodejs-osenv tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291403 nodejs-os-homedir jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292297 nodejs-path-array jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1223416 nodejs-read tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292618 nodejs-read-cmd-shim jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1035669 nodejs-read-installed tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1024214 nodejs-read-package-json sgallagh
Pass pass
Build in Rawhide
RHBZ #1298978 nodejs-read-package-tree sgallagh
Inprogress inprogress
Built in F24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1292656 nodejs-readable-stream tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1295069 nodejs-readdir-scoped-modules tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1221536 nodejs-realize-package-specifier zvetlik
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291921 nodejs-replace-require-self jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #994934 nodejs-request tomh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4 side-tag
RHBZ #1114316 nodejs-retry tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1036579 nodejs-rimraf tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
nodejs-semver sgallagh
Pass pass
Updated in f24-nodejs4
nodejs-sha tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1098164 nodejs-sorted-object patches
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1298301 nodejs-spdx-correct jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1285471 nodejs-spdx-exceptions jsmith
Pass pass
Built in rawhide
RHBZ #1298269 nodejs-spdx-expression-parse sgallagh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1298307 nodejs-spdx-license-ids jsmith
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
RHBZ #1299062 nodejs-stack-utils jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291920 nodejs-stream-replace jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1291934 nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-repeat jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
nodejs-tar tomh
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1273135 nodejs-tap-parser jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1292415 nodejs-timers-ext jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1066341 nodejs-uid-number jsmith
Pass pass
Updated to version 0.0.6 in Rawhide
RHBZ #1299074 nodejs-unicode-length jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1293036 nodejs-unique-filename jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1293006 nodejs-unique-slug jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
RHBZ #1292291 nodejs-unc-path-regex jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1298310 nodejs-validate-npm-package-license jsmith
Pass pass
Built in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
RHBZ #1171000 nodejs-which tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide
Pass pass
No update required
nodejs-write-file-atomic tomh
Pass pass
Updated in Rawhide }