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Revision as of 16:06, 19 April 2016 by Jflory7 (talk | contribs) (Add Community Blog section to agenda)

Fedora CommOps Team Meeting Minutes 2016-04-19

Meeting Time


This week's CommOps Meeting will be led by decause.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.


CommOpsers, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2016-04-19)
  • #meetingname commops
  • #chair <given to approved members of FAS group at meeting>

  • #topic Roll Call
    • #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas
    • If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello!

  • #topic Action items from last meeting
    • #link
    • #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward.
    • #info === decause JFDI the LimeSurvey Account, cleared with jzb ===
    • #info === [COMPLETED] jflory7 / decause Check in with pravins and noriko for any closing items for Ticket #29 ===
      • #info All that remains is a report of how the vFAD went, which is currently pending review in the Community Blog. Once published, ticket can be closed. Will discuss later in Community Blog part of meeting.
    • #info === [COMPLETED] jflory7 / decause re-ping designlist with speak-up series proposal, ask for feedback ===
    • #info === decause Work on migrating the raw University Involvement Initiative notes from the Etherpad into a more parseable, digestible format (whether wiki or other format) ===
    • #info === [IN PROGRESS] jflory7 Begin writing and compiling project profiles of BrickHack 2016 participants (three replies so far, need to keep communication channels open) ===
      • #action jflory7 Continue writing and compiling project profiles of BrickHack 2016 participants (three replies so far, need to keep communication channels open)
    • #info === [COMPLETED] decause up jflory7's privs on commops admin list ===
    • #info === [COMPLETED] jflory7 Update CommOps mailing list signature once the permissions are set ===
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] decause / jflory7 ping mktg list about alpha->beta release announcement research for May 3rd ===
      • #action decause / jflory7 Ping Marketing mailing list about Alpha to Beta release announcement research for May 3rd
    • #info === [COMPLETED] jflory7 Create a WhenIsGood for determining an ideal hack time for the future ===
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Create a WhenIsGood poll for a badges hack session to share with CommOps and Design team ===
      • #action jflory7 Create a WhenIsGood poll for a badges hack session to share with CommOps and Design team
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] decause post the etherpad link to the design-team ticket, and update the University_Involvment Objective page ===
      • #action decause post the EDU Etherpad link to the design-team ticket and update the University Involvment Objective page
    • #info === [IN PROGRESS] decause / jflory7 Explore how to subscribe the social-media mailing list to the RSS feed of Community Blog ===
      • #action decause / jflory7 Explore how to subscribe the social-media mailing list to the RSS feed of Community Blog

  • #topic Tickets
    • #link
    • #info === Ticket #29 ===
      • #info "G11n - proposal for the group revitalization"
      • #link
      • #agreed Last meeting, we checked in with pravins and agreed that the last remaining step for this ticket would be to publish a report of how the vFAD went. There is currently a final draft pending editor review in the Community Blog for this already. Once it is published, this ticket can be closed.
      • #action jflory7 Upload the local Albanian F24 translation sprint group photo to the G11n vFAD article on the Community Blog
      • pravins++ noriko++ jonatoni++ elioqoshi++ g11n++
    • #info === Ticket #34, 49 ===
    • #info === Ticket #68 ===
    • #info === Ticket #69 ===
      • #info "Fedora Modularity onboarding"
      • #link
      • A great start for this could be to help generate some traction with a Community Blog article announcing the Modularity WG. A badge proposal would be useful for sponsored / official members of the WG. A review of the wiki pages linked in the ticket would be helpful. Can we break up these tasks among members of CommOps?

  • #topic Open Floor

Meeting summary and action items

Full meeting log

Next Meeting