Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | August 16th |
Home: | Puno, Puno, Perú |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | tonet666p |
Fedora-Mail: | |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | |
GPG-Key: | [1] |
IRC: | TonetJallo on Freenode in |
#fedora-latam #fedora-pe #proyecto-fedora #CodigoLinuxPeru #mixxx #lmms | |
Badges (73) | |
About me
Hello, I'm from Puno in Perú, I like the free and open source software (FOSS), I work with GNU/Linux operative systems since five years about. I'm co-founder of Código Linux Peru, it's a Linux Users Comunity, we organize diferent free software events like FLISOL.
In 2014 I was part of the national FLISOL organization and I work with Fedora Perú to push through this event.
I'm ending my studies of Systems Engineering on Universidad Nacional del Altiplano of Puno in Perú. Currently I'm Fedora ambassador and I'm part of Fedora package mantainers, I like Fedora cause it's very stable and functional, for that I help to this community.
My favorite topic is all technologies, specially technologies related with FOSS, I'm not an expert but I have the desire needed to be, or so I think :p
- GNU/Linux user.
- Packaging software for Fedora Project.
- Network administration.
- Network security.
- Network QoS.
- Python programming.
- Web services with free tools like Apache and Nginx.
- SQUID managing.
- Docker.
- Low level experiments on Android devices.
- Robotics with Pinguino and Icaro.
- I use sound mixing tools under Linux (hobbie).
- Email:
- IRC: tonet666p
- Twitter: @tonet666p
- Blog: