From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 12:45, 14 June 2016 by Pravins (talk | contribs)

We already have F24 talking points but looks overall for product. Lets list out things we accomplished during Fedora 24 life cycle. Mostly we can either post blog about it on CommunityBlog or simply push it on FedoraMagazine if its match with users side.


UI Accomplishment

The data was extracted manually on 2016-06-11 against 54 projects categorized as 'main' group.

Highest Accomplishment Language Team

Language teams 90%+

Language teams 85%+

Language teams 80%+

Language teams 70%+

Language teams 60%+

Fedora 24 Localization Test Day

F24 L10N Test Day was prepared and led by Ani Peter (apeter) and Satyabrata Maitra (Satya).

  • 42 applications were tested
  • 15 testers particiated
  • 11 variety of languages were tested
  • 46 bugs were filed

Process Improvements

Work in progress

Translation tools


  • User:jibecfed created basic script to get raw statistics :
    • based on AppData files [1]
    • based on Zanata [2]


New version deployed and features
  • None
Work in progress
  • New webhook event for translation update and document 100% translated (builded but not live)


Change Proposals

Other Improvements


  • Google Noto fonts
    • google-noto-fonts package now split into google-noto-fonts, google-noto-cjk-fonts and google-noto-emoji-fonts
    • New fonts to further cover Unicode are google-noto-nastaliq-urdu-fonts, google-noto-sans-tibetan-fonts
  • nodejs-ansi-font
    • ANSI font styling utils
  • horai-ume-fonts
    • Free Japanese fonts family Ume Gothic, Ume Mincho, Ume P Gothic, Ume P Mincho and Ume UI Gothic.

Supported Language locales