Marcelo Barbosa | |
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Personal information | |
Location: | Bangkok, Thailand |
Birthday: | June 9, 1978 |
E-mail: | |
Contact information | |
IRC: | firemanxbr on |
#fedora-devel #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-latam #fedora-latam-rpmdev #fedora-python #fedora-review #fedora-releng #ovirt #fedora-br #fedora-arm #centos-devel #fedora-kernel #openshift #openshift-dev #centos-virt
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Fedora-specific information | |
FAS name: | firemanxbr |
Fedora e-mail: | |
Fedora homepage: | |
I'm Marcelo Barbosa contributor to Fedora project. It started a long time when started with Slackware linux dsitribution in 1998. I've come a long way since then, but am still quite a learner. If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to ping me either over e-mail or one of the IM channels.
- Here's a list of packages that I maintain. I'm quite adept at rpm packaging, so do ping me if you need assistance/reviews.
- Here's a list of some new software that I've packaged that need review. Please pick up any of them if you have the cycles. I'm always up for review swaps too!
- Here's a list of packages I'm currently reviewing. Unofficial reviews are most welcome.
- I hang around quite a few mailing lists/IRC channels and help out where I can.
- I'm contributor reviewer to Node.js for Fedora 19
- I'm contributor to the ARM architecture, testing and incrementing better support for some boards, currently testing and improving documentation and scripts for the following boards: BeagleBone Black, Cubieboard 2 Cubietruck, Cubox-i2 and-Cubox i4pro.
Wiki pages I'm responsible for
I "own" a few wiki pages that I'm responsible for keeping up to date. For any queries on the following pages, please get in touch with me:
Events Reports
Other info
Some of my other social networking info: