From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 11:37, 23 November 2016 by Bee2502 (talk | contribs) (Diversity Survey Questions)

This is the formal draft for the Diversity Survey, please, feel free to edit/remove/add those questions you feel need a tweak.


  • All questions will be optional
  • You must have a FAS account to fill the survey, however if you decide so, your data will remain completely anonymous.
  • You can only fill the survey once.

Diversity Survey

Personal questions

  • What is your chronological age?
    • <18
    • 19-24
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 44-59
    • 60+
  • What is your Biological Age?
    • <18
    • 19-24
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 44-59
    • 60+
  • What is your Gender?
    • Woman
    • <Specify>
    • Man
  • Is your gender same as that assigned at birth?
    • Yes
    • No
    • <Remarks>
  • . Are you:
    • Single
    • In relationship
    • Other: Please Specify.
  • Is your relationship:
    • Legally recognized by your Country's Government
    • Partly Legally recognized by your Country's Government
    • Not Legally recognized by your Country's Government
    • Termed a criminal offence by your Country's Government/society

  • . What is your race?
    • Black/African Descent
    • Middle Eastern/North African
    • East Asian
    • South Asian
    • Pacific Islander
    • White/Caucasian
    • Native American
    • Other (please specify)
  • . What is your ethnicity?
    • Hispanic
    • Jewish
    • Arab
    • <Specify>
  • . Do you consider yourself religious?
    • Yes
    • No
  • What is your religion?
    • <Specify>
  • What is your Caste?
    • <Specify if relevant>
  • What is your Sexual Orientation?
    • <Specify>
  • . Do you identify as LGBTQIA?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Do you have kids?
    • Yes
    • No
  • In which country were you born?
    • ___
  • In which country Do you live?
    • ___
  • Which languages do you speak?
    • Specify
  • Do you have a disability?
    • Yes
    • No
  • Are you Economically Independent?
    • Yes
    • Partly
    • No
  • Are you in Poverty?
    • <specfy>

Profesional questions

  • . Are you currently studying?
    • Yes
    • No
  • What was the last year of school you completed?
    • Some High School
    • High School or GED
    • Some College
    • Bachelor's Degree
    • Master's Degree or more
  • . Length of time in current job:
    • Currently Unemployed
    • 1 year or less
    • 1-5 years
    • 6-10 years
    • 11-15 years
    • over 15 years
  • . Do you work at RH?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Used to

Connectivity questions

  • Where do you usually contribute the most?
    • College/School
    • Home
    • Work
    • Other: Please Specify.
  • . My primary connection to the Internet is:
    • School or Work Network
    • Broadband (Cable, DSL, etc.)
    • Dial-up
    • Mobile/Cellular
    • Public Wifi
    • Other (Please explain)

Community questions

  • . The primary computer I use for Fedora is:
    • Less than a year old
    • 1-3 years old
    • 3-5 years old
    • older than five years
  • How long have you been using OpenSource?
    • 1 year or less
    • 1-5 years
    • 6-10 years
    • 11-15 years
    • over 15 years
  • How long have you been using Fedora?
    • 1 year or less
    • 1-4 years
    • 5-8 years
    • 9-12 years
    • 12, and Red Hat Linux before that
  • . Did you or currently contribute to other FOSS projects?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Which one(s)?
  • . Which Team do you contribute?
    • Ambassadors
    • CommOps
    • Design
    • Docs
    • EPEL
    • Infrastructure
    • i18n/l10n/g11n
    • Marketing
    • Packaging
    • Quality Assurance
    • Websites
    • Cloud
    • Server
    • Workstation
    • Env & Stacks
    • FESCo
    • Council
    • KDE
    • Other Desktop SIG
    • Games
    • Diversity
    • Other SIG: (Please specify)
    • Other: (Please specify)
  • Are your contributions mainly technical or non-technical ? (different interpretation of technical for different people)

Diversity and Inclusion in Fedora related questions

These questions need more work(more targeted, more personal, more event-based/grounded, more descriptive than just Yes/No) but these are the general things I would like to get feedback on

* Do you believe that Fedora is committed to supporting a culture of inclusion ?

  • Do you believe that Fedora would take action to correct violations of diversity policy ?
  • Do you believe that Fedora recognizes contributor efforts to foster a culture of inclusion ?
  • Do you believe that Fedora can resolve contributor conflicts related to diversity issues ?
  • Does Fedora have diverse representatives in leadership roles?
  • Is the atmosphere in Fedora friendly towards minorities ?
  • Have there been instances of conflicts with minority groups in Fedora ? How have they been resolved ?
  • Does Fedora have any active initiatives related to promoting diversity ? If so, please name these
  • Do other team members in your Fedora team demonstrate a positive example of how to interact with contributors from different backgrounds ?

Personal (Attitude?) Questions

These questions need more work(more targeted, more personal, more event-based/grounded, more descriptive than just Yes/No) but these are the general things I would like to get feedback on

*How comfortable are you working with people of different ages ?

  • How comfortable are you working with people of different genders ?
  • How comfortable are you working with people of different communities ?
  • How comfortable are you working with people of different religions ?
  • What keeps you motivated to contibue contributing to Fedora? (Community/Work/Both/Anything else?)
  • How frequently do you voice your opinion, even when it’s different from those around ?
  • Do you believe that a diverse workforce positively impacts workplace/group performance ?
  • Do you believe that personal characteristics (background like race, gender, religion, age and not personality traits) do not hinder or help an individual’s career progression or development opportunities ?
  • If you are also a contributor to other FOSS projects apart from Fedora, please compare between culture and atmosphere in FOSS and other organizations related to diversity and workplace inclusion and share your thoughts.
  • Any issues you want to highlight in Fedora community related to diversity and inclusion?