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Fedora is returning to the annual Southern California Linux Expo!

What, When, and Where?

Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) is a yearly Linux, free software, and open source conference that takes place in Pasadena, California. Find out more about this event at: [1]

SCaLE 15X – the 15th year of the Southern California Linux Expo – takes place on Mar. 2-5, 2017, at the Pasadena Convention Center


Full event registration covers booth exhibitors, including Fedora volunteers.


Fedora traditionally has a handful of speakers at the event. If you'd like to give a talk, the Call For Papers is July 2 - Nov 15, 2016.


Speakers, add your name, topic, and link here:

Date and Time Location Speaker Topic Link
Sun, Mar 5, 11:30-12:30 Ballroom A Clint Savage Linch-Pin
Fri, Mar 3, 10:00A-12:00P Ballroom C Perry Rivera/Alex Acosta Fedora 25 Highlights, How You Can Help Fedora, Work Session and General Meetup <TBD>


The exhibition hall has traditionally been open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

bex: I believe that OSAS from Red Hat will be exhibiting here as well. Should we work with them to increase our booth presence through cross-promotion? What are the planned booth activities and points of emphasis? We were able to get a monitor in the booth and show off modularity at LinuxCon in Berlin and that seemed to draw some traffic (I'd check with jeischma and crew). Putting this here as I don't see who the event owner is on this wiki. I can join a meeting to expand on this and serve as an OSAS liaison.

Booth and Fedora Activity Day Setup Schedule

Date Time Location Task Comments
3/2: Thursday 9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Assemble and Set Up Tablecloth, Banner
3/3: Friday 10-10:30 AM (Setup: 9:30 AM) Ballroom C Set up laptop for presentation: Fedora 25 Highlights Speaker: Perry Rivera
3/3: Friday 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Ballroom C Set up laptop for presentation: How You Can Help with Fedora Speakers: Perry Rivera, Alex Acosta, other Ambassadors too
3/3: Friday 11:00AM-12:00 PM Ballroom C Set up laptop for presentation: Work Session and General Meetup Facilitators: Perry Rivera, Alex Acosta, other Ambassadors too
3/3: Friday 12:30 PM Exhibit Hall Set up laptops and displays
3/3: Friday 2:00 PM Expo Hall Opens
3/3: Friday 6:00 PM Expo Hall Closes Pack up laptops and displays
3/4: Saturday 9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Set up laptops and displays
3/4: Saturday 10:00 AM Expo Hall Opens
3/4: Saturday 2:00 PM Matthew Williams Memorial
3/4: Saturday 6:00 PM Expo Hall Closes Pack up laptops and displays
3/5: Sunday 9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Set up laptops and displays
3/5: Sunday 10:00 AM Expo Hall Opens Set up laptops and displays
3/5: Friday 2:00 PM Expo Hall Closes Pack up laptops and displays All Remaining Ambassadors Please Help Out...Thanks!

Fedora Activity Day

Fedora Activity Day will be taking place on Friday, March 3rd, Ballroom C. Time is Friday, 10a-12p PST.

Fedora Activity Day Setup Schedule:

See Setup Schedule Above. Fedora Activity Day has been rolled up into the Setup Schedule for clarity.

Fedora Volunteers

15X Event Owner: Perry Rivera

Volunteers, add your name to the table below:

Name Thurs (2nd) Fri (3rd) Sat (4th) Sun (5th) Comments
Brian Monroe X X X X Planning on doing booth duty. Plan on taking light rail.
Perry Rivera X X X X I intend to help with the booth and facilitate Fedora Activity Day. I will be planning to stay at a TBD Pasadena hotel.
Alex Acosta X X X X Booth duty for the whole event, supporting Fedora Activity day. Planning to stay at a nearby hotel.
Scott Williams X X X X Booth duty or Fedora Activity Room duty for the whole event. Planning to stay at a nearby hotel.
Clint Savage ? ? ? ? Limited availability depending on need. Will be presenting at SCaLE and providing Linux training.
Adam Miller ? ? ? ? Will likely be floating back and forth working booth duty for Red Hat and for Fedora, helping where I'm needed.

General Pricing


  • Parking: $18 [In and Out Privileges, as of 2/2/17] Parking
  • Hotel: $169/night + $25.69 (city taxes) --> $195 [as of 2/2/17] Hotel

Event Budget


FAD Budget is totally Separate and has to have a purpose and a clearly set of returnables

  • $$$$ is requested
Item Cost 'Bucket' Comments Sub-total Actual
Ambassador team lodging $585 Ambassador est $195/room per night + taxes. Rivera/Acosta ($195+$195+$195=$585) $585.00
Travel See Comments at Right Ambassador Flights for Acosta (etd$370), Flight for nb (approx $500), Gas for Rivera ($35), Gas for Williams (etd$50), Lightrail for Monroe (etd$28) $483.00
Parking $18 Ambassador Parking for Rivera, Acosta, Williams for 4 days ($18*4*3=$216) [subject to change, per SCaLE website...) $216.00
SCaLE Pass1 $0 Ambassador Rivera, Acosta, Monroe, Williams $0.00
Basic Exhibitor (10x10) booth)1 $0 Ambassador Rivera, Acosta, Monroe, Williams $0.00
Ambassador sub-total Ambassador $1284.00

TBD when event volunteers are finalized.

1SCaLE will be providing these as part of a community-sponsored package.


The Ambassadors ran the Fedora YouTube live stream during the event and had a large archive of footage from the recordings. This footage might be found on