{{QA/Test_Case |description= DNF-2.0 is the next upcoming major version of DNF package manager. Unfortunately, it brings some incompatibilities with previous version of DNF (DNF-1) which were either needed to preserve compatibility with YUM CLI or where bigger redesigns were needed. A list of identified incompatible changes can be found here[1].This test case identifies how to test basic commands , plugins and third party software. |setup=
- you can install DNF-2 from this COPR repo for testing
- testing scenarios:
- anaconda installation
- upgrade from previous Fedora version
- core functionality: install, upgrade, remove, repoquery
- dnf-plugins: copr, system-upgrade, download
- third party software: mock, yumex
- In Fedora 24 & 25
- Enable and install the copr repo.
- Install, upgrade and remove packages.
- Upgrade to n+1 or n+2.
- In Fedora 26
- In Fedora 24 & 25
- Repo will enable and install without throwing any error
- System will successfully upgrade to desired version