From Fedora Project Wiki

This is the main page for Latam Ambassadors FAD, which is a FAD focused on Fedora Ambassadors internal organization.


This FAD is focused on solving some problems of organization and others like:

  • Budget problems.- In the last months, there have been budget problems due new reforms community which we could not adapt easily, for example check it out potty's comment message here
  • Logistics problems.- With the last changes in the community, have been difficult to produce the necessary swags for the events (like FLISOL) and as always, the problem of refunds is recurrent (for example see the tickets [1] [2] [3]).
  • Community impact issues.- Over the years, it has always talked about the ambassador's role to publicize the pros of using Fedora, join to the community and above all, "recruiting new collaborators." However, there is not a coherent strategy to attract collaborators yet. Since each Latin American country has a different reality face, some of them with a very low user base.

For the above reasons, it is necessary to have a FAD where we can focus exclusively on solving these problems. With it, we can fulfill our aims like promote Fedora and to get new and actives ambassadors.

¿Why on-site FAD?

To discuss the issues stated in the past paragraphs with full freedom and time to make decisive decisions for the whole Fedora Latin-American community. This event is intended to improve our organization that will help to fulfill the objectives of the ambassadors throughout time.


  1. The main purpose is create a work plan for Latam Ambassadors aligned to new Fedora Project objetives with the following primary goals:
    • Create a strategy for Latam ambassadors to improve their activities (events, meetups, enrollment process, etc) to match with the new fedora objectives.
    • Create complementary rules for events organizations/coordinations, funding request, tickets management process, and similar tasks.
    • Establish procedures about the planning of budgets according to the last changes in the Fedora project.
  2. In addition, we will attempt to complete the following secondary goals as time allows:
    • Establish a strategy for swags production and distribution for all Latam countries.
    • Create strategies for reimbursement process for Latam countries(or improve the existing rules).
    • Establish criteria to prioritize important events to allocate resources.
    • Create a calendar of important events in Latin America (FLISOL, FISL, LATINOWARE, etc) and by individual countries.
    • Plan reinduction / mentoring sessions for ambassadors in new policies.
    • Establish a ticket reviewer, their work rules and ticket review criteria.


  • Create specific goals for fedora aligned to the fedora community mission.
  • Create specific strategies for fedora community in LATAM based on maked goals.
  • Create specific activities and task to improve the community and enroll colaborators into the fedora community.
  • Identify success cases of fedora in LATAM and choose target groups to divulge fedora.
  • Make complementary rules and procedures to make suitable budgets by quarter.
  • Make complementary rules and procedures to request these resources (buy and reimbursement).


The completion of these goals will create the following positive changes within the project:

  • Planning the budget in better way we can optimize the investment and achieve better impact in the Latin American community.
  • Improving the actual rules will be achieved to improve the time of approval of the tickets and their quality so as to optimize the expense (better-targeted spending).
  • The strategies that will be developed should increase the number, active and productive participation so that more effective and constant collaborators can be reached.

These outcomes connect with the following Fedora Community Objectives by:

  • Creating a Free (as in Freedom) distribution : Having a strategy for ambassadors, it will be possible to have more collaborators in the medium and long term. This will improve the future distributions of Fedora.
  • Building open source software communities : Improving the actual rules, conduct code, guide of operations (tickets, events, etc), we can get a harmonious coexistence within the ambassador's group and strengthen the community.
  • Developing the science and practice of building communities : The application of the strategies that will be created will help to generate interest groups and they will be able to develop the distribution and it's scientific, educational, etc. use.

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees


Name Remote? City and Country Confirmation
Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis(Local coordination only) Cusco - Peru X
Tonet Jallo Puno - Peru X
Itamar Reis Peixoto Uberlandia - Brasil
José Reyes Panama City - Panama X
Neville Cross Managua - Nicaragua X
Eduardo Echeverria Bogota - Colombia X
Maria Leandro X Venezuela
Eduard Lucena Santiago de Chile - Chile X
Fredy Condori La Paz - Bolivia X
Adrian Soliard Cordoba - Argentina X
Brian Exelbierd Czech Republic X


Thursday, 2017-07-13

Time Speaker Talk/Activity Details
09:00 - 09:30 Organizing team Reception of attendees
09:30 - 09:45 Alex Oviedo Welcome talk
09:45 - 10:00 all attendees Self-introduction Each must present himself (include: full name,
nickname, country of origin, etc.)
10:00 - 11:00 Brian Exelbierd Project fedora: Explanation of the new mission
and the objectives of the fedora project.
11:00 - 12:00 all attendees Regional and by country diagnostics Each participant must show a diagnosis of their country,
for example:

- Fedora user groups and collaborators.
- User groups of other distributions.
- Other communities.
- Etc.

12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:00 Neville Cross Success stories of the fedora community in Latam Yn1v will show cases of success that we can
replicate in other countries
16:00 - 17:00 All attendes Define specific objectives for the fedora community
in Latam
It should be noted that:

- This is a team of volunteers with different jobs in
different organizations (government and business).

17:00 - 18:00 Break
18:00 - 19:00 A voluntier ambassador here Talk (This is an outreach talk aimed at all public) Talk general public (students, teachers, techies).
19:00 - 20:00 A voluntier ambassador here Talk (This is an outreach talk aimed at all public) Talk general public (students, teachers, techies).

Friday, 2017-07-14

Time Speaker Talk/Activity Details
09:00 - 10:00 Brian Exelbierd

All attendees

Project fedora: Explanation of the new mission and the
objectives of the fedora project(remind).
10:00 - 11:00 all attendees Define specific strategies for LATAM and its metrics Create suitable strategies to to develop the Latin american

community based on objectives defined the previous
day, it should be considered:
- Target audience (highest and lower priority segments).
- How to promote the use of tools to achieve a WIN-WIN
condition between the community and colaborators.

11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:00 All attendees Define specific activities for LATAM Here we can plan some activities based on

strategies, considering:
- Important events in Latam (FLISOL, FISL, Latinoware, etc.)
and in each country.
- Available resources.
- User bases.
- Etc.

16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00 Break
18:00 - 19:00 A voluntier ambassador here Talk (This is an outreach talk aimed at all public) Talk general public (students, teachers, techies).
19:00 - 20:00 A voluntier ambassador here Talk (This is an outreach talk aimed at all public) Talk general public (students, teachers, techies).

Saturday, 2017-07-15

Time Speaker Talk/Activity Details
09:00 - 10:00 All attendees Improve logistic procedures We must improve:

- Centralize the production of swags and distribution.
- Improve reimbursement procedures.
- Improve the budget process (annual and quarterly)
- Other logistics processes.

10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00 All attendees Improve behavior and meeting standards In this activity all existing rules will be collected
and some will be added (only the necessary)
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

Planning Prerequisites

  • Work out budget
  • Decide on Dates and Location
  • Arrange Facilities
  • List Resources
  • Arrange Lodging
  • Arrange Refreshments


  1. Location: Cusco - Peru
  2. Date:: July 13, 14 and 15.
  3. Personnel (people who might fit the bill)
    • Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis - As helper only(Peru)
    • Tonet Jallo(Peru)
    • Itamar Reis Peixoto(Brasil)
    • Abdel Martinez(Panama)
    • Neville Cross (Nicaragua)
    • Eduardo Echeverria(Colombia)
    • Eduard Lucena(Chile)
    • Fredy Condori(Bolivia)
    • Adrian Soliard(Argentina)
    • Brian Exelbierd(EEUU)


Snacks/Beverages: $3.20

Lunch: $3.20

Dinner: Not covered


Contributor Dept Arrv Cost
Tonet Jallo Puno - Peru Cusco - Peru $40.00
Itamar Reis Peixoto Uberlandia - Brasil Cusco - Peru $600.00
Abdel Martinez Panama City - Panama Cusco - Peru $570.00
Neville Cross Managua - Nicaragua Cusco - Peru $760.00
Eduardo Echeverria Bogota - Colombia Cusco - Peru $425.00
Eduard Lucena Santiago de Chile - Chile Cusco - Peru $410.00
Fredy Condori La Paz - Bolivia Cusco - Peru $80.00
Adrian Soliard Parana - Argentina Cusco - Peru $700.00
Brian Exelbierd FCAIC Cusco - Peru $0.00 - bex's travel comes from a RH budget, not Fedora
  1. Travel: $ 3 585.00
  2. Housing: $ 650.00
  3. Space: $00.00 (Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco will be a sponsor)
  4. Supplies: $370.00
    • Lunch for 12 people x 3 days
    • Snacks for 12 people x 3 days
    • Printed Material (copies, work papers, etc)
    • Local transportation

Total budget: $4 605.00