Fedora 26 Release Party in Coimbatore, India
We will be organizing a Fedora 26 Release Party Event at Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore. The aim of this event is to introduce Fedora and Linux in general to the freshers and get more people involved in Fedora and open-source in general.
8th Sept 2017, at 5:30 PM (Subject to Change)
Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.
Event Owner
Name | Type (talk/workshop) | Presenter |
Open Source 101 | Talk | Sachin S. Kamath |
How to contribute at Fedora Project | Talk | Sachin S. Kamath |
Installfest | Workshop | LUG Members |
Drinks & Snacks |
- Sachin S. Kamath
- You?
If you are planning to attend, please ping skamath on #fedora-india or #fedora-ambassadors so that I can arrange for the necessary permissions to enter the campus.
Will be published after the event.