From Fedora Project Wiki

What is the Fedora Magazine

Fedora Magazine is a WordPress-based site which delivers all the news of the Fedora Community. (It replaced the older publication, Fedora Weekly News.)

What is the content of the Magazine

The content of the magazine varies, but mostly includes:

  • General Announcements / News
  • Development Announcements
  • Event Reports
  • A weekly series of posts, '5 things in Fedora this week", mentioning the top 5 things which happen in Fedora that week
  • ... And everything else related to Fedora in general!

Join the Magazine Team

We really need your help on the Magazine. Consider writing an article. You'll also find a link for how to join the marketing mailing list at that link. There is also a detailed guide on how to make a post on the magazine.

We also have regular editorial board meetings.

Magazine Contributors

You can see the full list of the magazine contributors in this page.

Administering the Magazine

If you're one of the Magazine administrators, you may find this wiki page helpful.