- 1.彭嘉佑/Charles Peng
- 1.1 个人介绍/Personal Introduction
- 1.2 联系方式/Contact Information
- 2.活动与目标 / Activities within Fedora
- 2.1 活动与目标 / Activities within Fedora
- 2.2 Fedora 推广 / Fedora Promotion
彭嘉佑/Charles Peng
来自中国大陆,略懂英文,现从事外贸方面的工作,业余时间以在笔记本上折腾 Fedora 为乐,以自己使用 GNU/Linux 为傲。接触和使用 Fedora 半年,属于刚刚出道的 Linux 小菜鸟。被 Fedora 的折服,将致力于推广 Fedora 和 Linux 在中国的普及。
I'm from Chinese Mainland, know a little English and now doing a job as foreign trade salesman, I spend my spare time to learn Fedora installed in my laptop, and am proud as a Fedora user. I knew and begun to use Fedora half an year ago, and just a Linux newbie, but I was suprised Fedora is so easy to use, and will apply my energy to promote Fedora and Linux in China.
联系方式/Contact Information
E-mail/Google Talk: linux.usrs#gmail.com (please change # to @)
freenode 昵称/IRC: pengjiayou #fedora-cn[#irc://freenode/fedora-cn]
博客主页/BLOG: [1]
Twitter: pengjiayou[2]
Fedora账号/Fedora Account: pengjiayou
活动与目标 / Activities within Fedora
将尝试翻译 Fedora 新闻介绍给大家
Try to translate latest Fedora news to others
Fedora 推广/ Fedora Promotion
fedora-cn 聊天频道 / IRC channel: #fedora-cn[3]
博客: 通过我的个人博客[4](RSS: http://fedora.pengjiayou.com[5])发表Fedora的最新资讯和使用技巧等
Blog: Post Fedora news or how-tos or tips on my personal blog [6](RSS: http://fedora.pengjiayou.com[7])
--Pengjiayou 17:48, 21 September 2008 (UTC)