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Revision as of 17:41, 6 December 2017 by Jonatoni (talk | contribs)

Jona Azizaj
Jona Azizaj
Jona Azizaj
Personal Information
Birthday: 09/04/1993
Birthplace: {{{birthplace}}}
Home: Tirane, Albania
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: jonatoni
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail: jonaazizaj [AT] gmail [DOT] com or jona [AT] azizaj [DOT] com
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Twitter: jonatoni {{{}}}
Jabber: {{{jabber}}}
IRC: jonatoni on Freenode in
#fedora-ambassadors, #fedora, #fedora-sq (and others)

About me

Hello, my name is Jona, I'm a student of Business Informatics at the University of Tirana, and also a hacktivist of Open Labs.

I'm passionate about the philosophy of Open Source, I believe in transparency and cooperation, open and free Internet. I have been working on promoting FLOSS in Albania. Also, I've been working on Fedora Localization Project to bring everything around Fedora closer to our community.

I'm interested in empowering woman in society because women participation in open technology and culture is very important so we should all pay more attention.

I'm very passionate about programming, I already know C++, Java, HTML, JS and a bit of Python and I'm learning other languages.


  • Fedora Email: jonatoni(at)fedoraproject(dot)com
  • Private Email: jona(at)azizaj(dot)com
  • Blog:
  • Twitter:
  • IRC: jonatoni @ freenode: #fedora #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-sq #openlabs-albania #flossk etc

Activities within Fedora

Activities outside Fedora

  • Open Labs Hackerspace: Board Member
  • LibreOffice: The Document Foundation Member
  • Wikipedia: Improving/translating articles related to Linux at the Albanian Wikipedia
  • Nextcloud: Coordinator of albanian language, contributor
  • OpenStreetMap: Contributor

Events participated/organised


Fedora Mentor Summit 2024 Flock 2024 Attendee New Day, New Cake Pixel Perfect Night Paranoid Panda Baby Badger Junior Editor Associate Editor Let Me Introduce Myself Ambassador Crypto Panda Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Speak Up! Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Vacation Macaron (Cookie I) Origin Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Let's have a party (Fedora 23) Fedora 24 Translation Sprint OSCAL 2016 Attendee Top 500 Chocolate Chip (Cookie II) Krakow Brews! Flock 2016 Speaker The Panda Is In Nuancier F25 Fedora 25 Release Partygoer Community Messenger I DevConf 2017 Attendee Senior Badger (Badger II) FOSDEM 2017 Attendee Chief Editor Nuancier F26 OSCAL 2017 Attendee Fedora 26 Release Partygoer Let's have a party (Fedora 26) EuroPython 2017 Attendee Flock 2017 Attendee Steampunk Arcade Badger Padawan Fedora Women Day 2017 Attendee Let's do lunch! In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Fedora 27 Release Partygoer Bloggin' it! (Planet IV) OSCAL 2018 Attendee Fedora 28 Release Partygoer Let's have a party (Fedora 28) Flock 2018 Attendee Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Science (Kernel Tester I) Telegraphist (Upstream Release Monitoring I) DevConf 2019 Attendee Nuancier F30 Let's have a party (Fedora 29) Master Badger (Badger III) Flock 2019 Attendee You’re on a boat! I Voted: Fedora 31 Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure III) I Voted: Fedora 30 Tadpole with Legs Fedora & CentOS Social @ Summit 2020 Fedora Advocate Social Panda Lets have a party Fedora 33 I Voted: Fedora 33 Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation Involvement Don't Call it a Comeback Mugshot White Rabbit Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Junior Package Tagger (Package Tagger I) Senior Tagger (Tagger III) Tagger (Tagger II) Junior Badger (Badger I) Package Tagger (Package Tagger II) Riddle Me This Crypto Badger Senior Editor Secretary General FOSDEM 2016 Attendee DevConf 2016 Attendee Master Editor Egg Nuancier F24 Flock 2016 Attendee Software Freedom Kosova 2016 Attendee Fedora 25 Translation Sprint Black and White (Cookie III) Embryo Fedora 26 Translation Sprint Readiness FAmSCo Member Let's have a party (Fedora 24) Apprentice (Badge Artist I) CommOps Superstar Pizzelle (Cookie IV) Bloggin' it! (Planet III) DevConf 2018 Attendee FOSDEM 2018 Attendee Tadpole Better Together Nuancier F28 Top 100 It's a Cake Thing Fedora Podcast Interviewee Summer Coder Rollercoaster Restaurant Council Member Ambassadors Sponsor Fedora Women's Day 2018 Attendee I Voted: Fedora 29 FOSDEM 2019 Attendee Science (Kernel Tester II) Fedora 29 Release Partygoer The Blessing of the FPL FOSDEM 2020 Attendee We Can Do It! 2020 Attendee I Voted: Fedora 32 nest-attendee-2020 Fedora Women's Day 2020 Attendee FOSDEM 2021 Attendee 2021 Attendee Diversity & Inclusion Virtual Team Meetup I Voted: Fedora 34 GUADEC 2021 Community Survey Taker I Nest Attendee 2021 Museum Visitor Fedora Week of Diversity FOSDEM 2022 Attendee I Voted: Fedora 36 GUADEC 2022 Fedora Week of Diversity 2022 Lets have a party Fedora 37 I voted: Fedora 37 FOSDEM 2023 Attendee I voted: Fedora 38 Community Survey Taker 2023 CentOS Connect 2023 Attendee Flock 2023 Attendee Fedora Appreciation Week 2023 Let's have an anniversary party (Fedora 39) FOSDEM 2024 Attendee Fedora Week of Diversity 2024 Rainbow (Cookie V) Lets have a party Fedora 34 Lets have a party Fedora 35 I Voted: Fedora 35 2022 Attendee Froglet Fedora Mentor Summit 2022 Lets have a party Fedora 36 Community Survey Taker 2022 Nest with Fedora 2022 Attendee Called to Action Let's have a party (Fedora 38) Ghost Tour I voted: Fedora 39 Creative Freedom Summit 2024 Attendee I voted: Fedora 40 Let's have a party (Fedora 40)