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Modularity Team Governance

This document describes the governing structure for the Modularity Team.


The Modularity Team consists of people who work on advancing the Modularity effort in Fedora and participate in the regular meetings and conversations around this initiative. Membership is de facto, i.e. anybody who satisfies this description is considered a member.

Making Decisions

The Modularity Team strives to work on consensus and only votes on things where it’s unclear that a consensus exists/can be reached or where it's clear people aren’t going to be convinced to agree. In this case, a formal vote can be taken on a proposal as described here:

  • Once a proposal is put to be voted on in a ticket in the Modularity project issue tracker, it must be voted on in the ticket within one week.
  • If at the end of one week there are at least 3 votes for the proposal and 0 votes against in the ticket, it has passed.
  • If there are any votes against, the proposal is added to the agenda of the next Team meeting, where a simple majority vote of members present will decide it. This decision will be recorded in the ticket.
  • If at the end of one week there are fewer than 3 votes for the proposal in the ticket, it is extended one further week and requires only a single affirmative vote to pass.
  • If at the end of two weeks there are still no votes for the proposal in the ticket, it fails automatically and the status quo is maintained.

Changing these Rules

After initial ratification, any substantive changes can be approved by a formal vote, upon which the Fedora Council will be informed.