The Fedora Documentation Project holds weekly IRC meetings. All members of the Fedora Project are welcome to attend them and participate.
Information about past meetings can be found on the Docs Project meetings page.
Meeting Details

The Docs Project meets in the channel #fedora-meeting[?] on the Libera.Chat IRC network.
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 15:30 UTC (See the UTC How-to for instructions on converting UTC to your local time.)
- Location: #fedora-meeting[?] on Libera.Chat
- Calendar
For more information and to discuss any of the agenda items, be sure to click on the links to read the threads on the docs list.
A reminder should be sent at the beginning of the meeting day.
Agenda for Next Meeting
This is the agenda for the next meeting of the Docs Project. Please write down your topic suggestions so that we have an idea on what will be discussed in the meeting. Pointers to emails which expand on the idea are always welcome!
Standing Agenda
- #startmeeting fedora-docs
- #topic Roll Call
- #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better"
- #topic New Writers
- #topic Follow up on last week's action items (10 minutes)
- #topic Where are we with the Release Cycle and Docs?
- #info Release Notes beats and approved changes from last week
- #topic Specific doc status
- #info What has changed with specific docs? What needs to be republished? Are there any blockers or issues?
- #info Task list reminder —
- #topic Outstanding Bugzilla tickets (5 minutes)
- #info All Bugs —
- #topic Open floor discussion (5 minutes)
- #endmeeting
Task table
▶ This table may be transcluded in other locations, but originates here.
Task | Assignee | Due date | Next milestone | Status |
▶ These guides may be transcluded in other places, but they originate here.
The documentation system has migrated from Publican to Antora, which uses AsciiDoc. The active projects list can be found on Pagure.