Another proposal by my mind... Last night i can't sleep so i start thinkin... My creative path was:
- 1) start thinkin to the "Perfect System" meaning a good, right working OS.
- 2) I think to find something in nature representing some Over-good working System
- 3) Idea! I said... The Solar System blinks in my mind.
Solar System... and then the step was so short - SOLAR, simbolizing the centre of the universe, the engine of our galaxy, the light in big shadows.
Dual Screen Standard Ratio
Source XCF for Dual Standard Ratio
Suitable for two-monitor setups, where both monitors are of the following ratios:
- 1600x1200 (3200x1200)
- 1280x960 (2560x960)
- 1024x768 (2048x768)
- 800x600 (1600x600)
Solar Sun Rise Dual Screen Standard Ratio
Solar Day Time Dual Screen Standard Ratio
Solar Sun Set Dual Screen Standard Ratio
Solar Night Dual Screen Standard Ratio
Standard Ratio
Suitable for:
- 2048x1536
- 1600x1200
- 1280x960
- 1024x768
- 800x600
Solar Sun Rise Standard Ratio
Solar Day Time Standard Ratio
Solar Sun Set Standard Ratio
Solar Night Standard Ratio
5:4 Ratio
Suitable for 5:4 ratio resolutions, such as:
- 1600x1280
- 1280x1024
Solar Sun Rise 5:4 Ratio
Solar Day Time 5:4 Ratio
Solar Sun Set 5:4 Ratio
Solar Night 5:4 Ratio
- 1920x1200
- 1680x1050
Solar Sun Rise Widescreen
Solar Day Time Widescreen
Solar Sun Set Widescreen
Solar Night Widescreen
SysLinux Splash + GRUB
SysLinux Splash HiColor
NOTE this is the 16-bit color version needed for syslinux:
File:Solar-f10-syslinuxsplash fullcolor.xcf.bz2
SysLinux Splash Indexed Color
The final image: xpm.gz file for GRUB Source: Media:GRUB_F10_Solar.xcf.bz2
The preview:
Solar Syslinux Splash - full color
Solar Syslinux Splash 16 color - Source XCF
Solar GRUB Background xpm.gz file for GRUB
Plymouth Theme
Anaconda Pack (Header + Splash)
Solar Anaconda Splash - Source SVG
Solar Anaconda Header - Source SVG
Solar Anaconda Splash (low resolution) - Source SVG
First Boot Pack (SideBar + Splash)
Solar FirstBoot Left Bar SVG source
Solar Installation Welcome - source available here
Solar Login Part - Source SVG
Solar User Icon - Source SVG
Fedora 10 (X) Release Poster
Solar Poster - Source Archive TAR.GZ
Solar round 2
This is the step 2b:
Here you find all the 3 step for the round 2.
Solar Round 2 a
Solar Round 2 b - Source XCF
Solar Round 2 c - Source XCF
Final Version:
here u can find the source File:Solar gimp 1900x1200.xcf.bz2
Anaconda Prompt Screen 640x300:
source File:Solar Anaconda screen prompt 2.xcf.bz2
source: File:Solar splash.xcf.bz2
Anaconda Header 800x88:
source: File:Solar anaconda header.xcf.bz2
a little test: