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Revision as of 19:14, 14 February 2009 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (Add Category)

Fedora Release Engineering Meeting Agenda

If you wish to discuss something at the next Release Engineering meeting, add it to the table.

Current Agenda

Topic Owner Notes
Jigdo release kanarip Jigdo Release
Goals for this dev cycle JesseKeating
MinGW rjones/MinGW SIG infrastructure/rel-eng ticket
Open Discussion

Past Agenda Items

Topic Owner Results
Trac tickets for Fedora 9 JesseKeating Milestones are there, more tickets will follow
Proposed Schedule for Fedora 9 JohnPoelstra Schedule approved
Mass Rebuild JesseKeating Built for ppc, BuildID builds continue
New development process JesseKeating Changes made to Overview
String Freeze Policy Draft DimitrisGlezos Adopted as policy
F8 Test2 Freeze JesseKeating Test2 went out
Fedora 8 Test 1 JesseKeating Test1 was finally released
Compose in the colo JesseKeating Will continue to investigate needs and report to Infrastructure team
Fedora Signing Server JesseKeating No feedback thus far, will start "working" on it.
Fedora 5 shutdown JesseKeating Shut down successfully
Fedora 8 Schedule JesseKeating Adjusted and got FESCo approval
Fedora Signing Server JesseKeating Asked for feedback, will move to more official spec next week
perl-devel in buildroots JesseKeating Punted to FESCo
Fedora 5 shutdown JesseKeating A plan was drafted to be executed
Automatic promotion of updates JesseKeating A couple restrictions were agreed upon, see minutes
Upgrade path enforcement RahulSandaram All builds must have proper upgrade path at all times. Exceptions can be noted.
Early Torrent Release RahulSundaram Decided against this, too confusing to user base, not enough benefit.
Flesh out SOPs for rel-eng tasks JesseKeating Mandated to do it. Jesse will set some examples
Buildroot contents for updates JesseKeating Investigating bodhi preventing incomplete sets from being released, then enable self updating
Rawhide spam-o-matic JesseKeating Agreed to turn on, proposing to FESCo
Updates Policy JesseKeating Created initial policy, will work more with QA on it.
Unsigned packages in 7 JesseKeating Plan created
Disable tagged builds from srpms in koji MikeBonnet Agreed to disable