The Fedora Hardware Database is automatically created based on hardware probes collected by this RPM package and by this flatpak.
It is a part of the global Linux Hardware Database, the successor of Smolt project. The database is mirrored to a Github repository for statistical analysis by third parties.
# dnf install hw-probe
For RHEL/CentOS version 6 and 7 the package is available as well in the EPEL repository.
Submit your hardware:
# hw-probe -all -upload
Probe for hardware ... Ok Reading logs ... Ok Uploaded to DB, Thank you! Probe URL: https://linux-hardware.org/?probe=c84b37d646
Decode ACPI tables (requires acpica package):
# hw-probe -all -upload -decode-acpi
Perform simple graphics tests (requires mesa-demos package):
# hw-probe -all -upload -check
Import created probes to a local directory:
# hw-probe -import ./Directory_to_save_index
A probe
Index of tested computers
List of probes
Reports backup
All collected reports are anonymized and dumped to this Github repository: https://github.com/linuxhw/
By creating a hardware probe you contribute to the "HDD/SSD Real-Life Reliability Test" and "Devices with poor Linux-compatibility" studies.
Private info is not collected. See privacy notes.