We are organizing a weekend long list of events focusing on tools and applications in and around Fedora. All classes will be held in irc @ #fedora-classroom in irc.freenode.net. If you are not familiar with irc, see the Fedora IRC HowTo .
Have a look at the list below, if there is not a session, you'd like to see, please suggest it and we'll do our best to accommodate the request.
The Current Timeline
This timeline is currently in Draft mode. Pick a time you would like to present and add your name to the list. We'll contact you the day before so leave your contact information as well.
Time (UTC) | November 8 | November 9 | Time (UTC) | December 6 | December 7 |
20:00 UTC | Clint Savage - SELinux Basics | Something Else | 10:00 UTC | Something Else | Another class |
21:00 UTC | A class by someone | A class by someone | 11:00 UTC | Something Else | Something Else |
22:00 UTC | A class by someone | A class by someone | 12:00 UTC | Something Else | Something Else |
23:00 UTC | A class by someone | A class by someone | 13:00 UTC | Something Else | Something Else |
Suggest a Class
If there is something you'd like to see during Fedora-Classroom sessions, let us know below
- Replace me with a suggestion.