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Revision as of 00:17, 28 May 2020 by Astepano (talk | contribs) (Auto updated.)

== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==

Page was updated on: 2020-05-28 00:17:15.915499 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24.0 hours since 2020-05-28 00:12:12 UTC.

PASSED INFRA Failure TEST Failure Skipped CI Build Running

Project name Branch Koji build Pull Request
alacarte f32 45016459 -
bind f31 44966212 -
bind-dyndb-ldap f31 44969502 -
binutils f32 45001652 -
blis master 45073938 -
boom-boot f31 45015666 -
boom-boot f32 45015042 -
borgmatic master 45068960 -
breeze-icon-theme f32 44489467 -
buildah f31 45015996 -
buildah f32 45009294 -
cacti master 45065292 -
cacti-spine master 45065389 -
cinnamon master 45071403 -
cinnamon-session master 45070883 -
cinnamon-settings-daemon master 45070688 -
conmon f31 45032443 -
conmon f32 45032467 -
crypto-policies master 45063639 -
Cython master - PR-23
Cython master - PR-22
debconf f31 44990251 -
debconf f32 44990236 -
dnsperf f31 44994670 -
dnsperf f32 44967577 -
doxygen master - PR-6
dragon master 45069541 -
efl master 45068151 -
extra-cmake-modules f32 44489453 -
fedora-release master - PR-128
filelight master 45076441 -
firefox f31 44965456 -
firefox f32 44965442 -
foomatic f31 45014931 -
foomatic f32 45014206 -
foomatic-db f31 45007297 -
foomatic-db f32 45006293 -
fotoxx f31 45020215 -
fotoxx f32 45020187 -
gap-pkg-digraphs master 45082370 -
gap-pkg-ferret master 45082246 -
glances master - PR-3
glances master 45075281 -
glances master 45071097 -
gnome-boxes f32 44955614 -
gnome-flashback master 45069149 -
gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix f31 45027921 -
gnuradio f32 45011147 -
golang-github-bettercap-nrf24 f31 45030095 -
golang-github-bettercap-nrf24 f32 45029716 -
golang-github-jpillora-tld f31 45030087 -
golang-github-jpillora-tld f32 45029714 -
grass f32 45032249 -
grub2 f32 45020651 -
gsequencer master 45069106 -
gtkhash f32 45012858 -
hanyang-gothic-a1-fonts f31 45020287 -
hanyang-gothic-a1-fonts f32 45020253 -
ibus-typing-booster f32 - PR-11
icewm master 45068074 -
java-1.8.0-openjdk f32 - PR-119
java-1.8.0-openjdk f31 - PR-118
java-1.8.0-openjdk f32 44833276 -
juk master 45069515 -
kaccounts-integration master 45074887 -
kcharselect master 45076466 -
kde-connect master 45069639 -
kde-dev-scripts master 45076301 -
kde-dev-utils master 45076316 -
kdesdk-kioslaves master 45076344 -
kdevelop master 45057812 -
kdf master 45076520 -
kdnssd master 45069644 -
kf5 f32 44489043 -
kf5-akonadi-server master 45075914 -
kf5-attica f32 44502654 -
kf5-audiocd-kio master 45069428 -
kf5-baloo f32 44535840 -
kf5-bluez-qt f32 44495659 -
kf5-frameworkintegration f32 44543098 -
kf5-kactivities f32 44545382 -
kf5-kactivities-stats f32 44545931 -
kf5-kapidox f32 44495656 -
kf5-karchive f32 44502148 -
kf5-kauth f32 44528154 -
kf5-kbookmarks f32 44533737 -
kf5-kcalendarcore f32 44502655 -
kf5-kcmutils f32 44543115 -
kf5-kcodecs f32 44502133 -
kf5-kcompletion f32 44528147 -
kf5-kconfig f32 44502636 -
kf5-kconfigwidgets f32 44529238 -
kf5-kcontacts f32 44528153 -
kf5-kcoreaddons f32 44502607 -
kf5-kcrash f32 44528150 -
kf5-kdav master 45075164 -
kf5-kdbusaddons f32 44495668 -
kf5-kdeclarative f32 44535842 -
kf5-kded f32 44529698 -
kf5-kdelibs4support f32 44547759 -
kf5-kdesignerplugin f32 44535844 -
kf5-kdesu f32 44529697 -
kf5-kdewebkit f32 44543116 -
kf5-kdnssd f32 44495667 -
kf5-kdoctools f32 44528155 -
kf5-kemoticons f32 44529695 -
kf5-kfilemetadata f32 44528148 -
kf5-kglobalaccel f32 44529696 -
kf5-kguiaddons f32 44502599 -
kf5-kholidays f32 44502589 -
kf5-khtml f32 44543075 -
kf5-ki18n f32 44495662 -
kf5-kiconthemes f32 44529701 -
kf5-kidletime f32 44495675 -
kf5-kimageformats f32 44495658 -
kf5-kinit f32 44535839 -
kf5-kio f32 44574776 -
kf5-kirigami2 f32 44495661 -
kf5-kitemmodels f32 44496417 -
kf5-kitemviews f32 44502614 -
kf5-kjobwidgets f32 44528152 -
kf5-kjs f32 44529237 -
kf5-kjsembed f32 44529699 -
kf5-kmediaplayer f32 44543113 -
kf5-kmime master 45075170 -
kf5-knewstuff f32 44535838 -
kf5-knotifications f32 44528151 -
kf5-knotifyconfig f32 44535837 -
kf5-kontactinterface master 45075168 -
kf5-kpackage f32 44529236 -
kf5-kparts f32 44535843 -
kf5-kpeople f32 44529700 -
kf5-kpimtextedit master 45075163 -
kf5-kpkpass master 45075165 -
kf5-kplotting f32 44495672 -
kf5-kpty f32 44528149 -
kf5-kquickcharts f32 44495655 -
kf5-kross f32 44543083 -
kf5-krunner f32 44546511 -
kf5-kservice f32 44529235 -
kf5-ktexteditor f32 44543114 -
kf5-ktextwidgets f32 44532088 -
kf5-kunitconversion f32 44502638 -
kf5-kwallet f32 44532086 -
kf5-kwayland f32 44502603 -
kf5-kwidgetsaddons f32 44495669 -
kf5-kwindowsystem f32 44502605 -
kf5-kxmlgui f32 44532761 -
kf5-kxmlrpcclient f32 44535836 -
kf5-modemmanager-qt f32 44502622 -
kf5-networkmanager-qt f32 44502601 -
kf5-plasma f32 44545930 -
kf5-prison f32 44495657 -
kf5-purpose f32 44543112 -
kf5-solid f32 44502611 -
kf5-sonnet f32 44502609 -
kf5-syndication f32 44535841 -
kf5-syntax-highlighting f32 44502137 -
kf5-threadweaver f32 44495653 -
kfloppy master 45076543 -
kget master 45069646 -
kgpg master 45076553 -
kig master 45065411 -
kio-extras master 45069648 -
kio-fuse master 45064451 -
klines master 45068107 -
kopete master 45069599 -
kpat master 45068120 -
krdc master 45069650 -
ksnakeduel master 45068142 -
kteatime master 45076569 -
ktimer master 45076587 -
ktp-accounts-kcm master 45069658 -
ktp-contact-list master 45069894 -
ktp-text-ui master 45069942 -
kwalletmanager5 master 45076610 -
LaTeXML f32 44970680 -
ldns master - PR-2
libdmapsharing4 f32 44986622 -
libecpg f31 44677096 -
libecpg f32 44681363 -
libgexiv2 f31 44992589 -
libkgapi master 45075166 -
libkomparediff2 master 45076127 -
libpq f31 44645096 -
libpq f32 44645094 -
libreswan f31 45032355 -
libreswan f32 45014878 -
libtpms master 45076106 -
libvirt f32 45019182 -
lingot f32 45027217 -
lollypop master 45072383 -
lskat master 45068159 -
lsp-plugins master - PR-1
marisa master - PR-3
massdns master 45065573 -
mate-panel master 45078984 -
maven master - PR-20
maven-jaxb2-plugin master 45065045 -
maven-jaxb2-plugin f32 45036183 -
mbedtls master 45064378 -
mdadm master 45066364 -
mingw-python-click master 45065001 -
minizip f31 45006662 -
minizip f32 45006663 -
mosquitto master 45065587 -
mpris-scrobbler f31 45025000 -
muffin master 45070441 -
nagios-plugins master 45052628 -
nemo master 45071134 -
nut epel7 - PR-7
nut master - PR-6
nut epel7 45005619 -
ocaml-ppx-inline-test f32 45041567 -
octave-zmat f31 44989001 -
octave-zmat f32 44988697 -
ohmybackup f31 45033370 -
ohmybackup f32 45030884 -
open-vm-tools f31 44972959 -
open-vm-tools f32 44972887 -
opencryptoki master 45064738 -
openscap f32 - PR-7
openssh master 45063063 -
osbuild f31 45025120 -
osbuild f32 45024560 -
oxygen-icon-theme f32 44489484 -
pcre2 master 45062807 -
perl-Compress-Bzip2 master 45069381 -
perl-Devel-PatchPerl f32 45005328 -
perl-HTTP-Daemon master 45068848 -
perl-Text-CSV_XS master 45071884 -
photoqt master 45068156 -
php-doctrine-annotations f32 44994483 -
php-doctrine-collections f32 44994722 -
php-doctrine-common f32 44994990 -
php-doctrine-datafixtures f32 44995551 -
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle f32 44997394 -
php-doctrine-inflector f32 44998104 -
php-doctrine-lexer f32 44998634 -
php-doctrine-orm master 45064665 -
php-swaggest-json-diff master 45058237 -
picmi master 45068190 -
pocketsphinx f32 45008003 -
podman master 45074662 -
podman master 45069618 -
postgresql f31 44687185 -
postgresql f32 44687780 -
poxml master 45076271 -
prboom-plus f31 45027833 -
prboom-plus f32 45027818 -
ptouch-driver f31 45009732 -
ptouch-driver f32 45009370 -
python-authres epel7 45029613 -
python-authres f31 45029394 -
python-authres f32 45029365 -
python-grokmirror epel8 45016415 -
python-rpm-macros master - PR-62
python-rpm-macros master - PR-62
python-six eln 45075666 -
python-sushy f32 45009242 -
python-theano master - PR-2
python3-postgresql master - PR-1
python3.8 master - PR-1
python38 master - PR-61
qqc2-desktop-style f32 44532087 -
redhat-rpm-config master - PR-82
resalloc epel7 44997215 -
resalloc f31 44998529 -
resalloc f32 44997242 -
retroarch master 45083278 -
rubygem-i18n f31 44943288 -
rubygem-jekyll master 45068078 -
rust-path-absolutize master 45058738 -
rust-path-dedot master 45065414 -
rust-path-dedot master 45057123 -
sar2 master 45074052 -
seahorse-adventures master 45058673 -
setroubleshoot master - PR-20
setroubleshoot master - PR-19
signon-kwallet-extension master 45069950 -
slirp4netns master 45068124 -
smb4k f31 44988275 -
smb4k f32 44988262 -
spatialite-tools master 45063374 -
sqlite f32 45004794 -
studio-controls f31 44990332 -
studio-controls f32 44989983 -
sweeper master 45076655 -
timescaledb f31 45006871 -
timescaledb f32 45006873 -
tpm2-tools master 45063979 -
vagrant f31 45010866 -
valgrind master 45075552 -
xorg-x11-drv-ati f32 45019479 -
zola master 45058480 -