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Revision as of 12:22, 9 August 2020 by Astepano (talk | contribs) (Auto updated.)

== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==

Page was updated on: 2020-08-09 12:21:59.296760 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24.0 hours since 2020-08-09 12:12:45 UTC.

PASSED INFRA Failure TEST Failure Skipped CI Build Running

Project name Branch Koji build Pull Request
ack f32 48920180 -
ack f31 48920182 -
aha epel8 48922881 -
alexandria master 48946204 -
ansible eln 48954436 -
ansible master 48953448 -
ansible eln 48924402 -
ansible master 48924366 -
ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon master 48959511 -
ansible-collection-community-general master 48959904 -
ansible-collection-netbox-netbox master 48954835 -
apt master 48961404 -
assimp eln 48934062 -
assimp master 48933149 -
bout++ master 48925946 -
bpytop master 48924009 -
clamtk master 48961514 -
cutecom f32 48927497 -
cutecom f31 48928101 -
cutecom master 48927106 -
fcl master 48925214 -
flann master 48924443 -
gazebo master 48937506 -
gcompris-qt master 48953426 -
git-cola epel8 48933758 -
gnome-feeds master 48924371 -
golang-github-casbin-2 master 48958185 -
golang-github-tomnomnom-linkheader f32 48916770 -
golang-github-tomnomnom-linkheader f31 48916982 -
golang-github-xlab-handysort master 48934177 -
golang-github-yunify-qingstor-sdk master 48914232 -
golang-github-zeebo-admission master 48918698 -
golang-modernc-fileutil master 48903347 -
golang-modernc-golex master 48912943 -
golang-modernc-lex master 48913424 -
golang-uber-goleak f32 48915470 -
golang-uber-goleak f31 48916909 -
golang-vbom-util master 48935015 -
golie f32 48913646 -
golie f31 48921671 -
gtkwave master 48958257 -
hatari master 48957326 -
hokuyoaist master 48924512 -
hugin master 48925281 -
icestorm master 48920618 -
ignition f32 48906966 -
igt-gpu-tools f32 48927588 -
igt-gpu-tools f31 48927690 -
igt-gpu-tools master 48927268 -
insight master 48923374 -
jackson-annotations master - PR-8
jackson-annotations eln 48930216 -
jackson-annotations master 48926485 -
jackson-bom master - PR-8
jackson-bom eln 48930217 -
jackson-bom master 48925306 -
jackson-core master - PR-8
jackson-core master 48927170 -
jackson-databind master - PR-8
jackson-databind master 48928080 -
jackson-jaxrs-providers master - PR-10
jackson-jaxrs-providers master 48929117 -
jackson-modules-base master - PR-7
jackson-modules-base master 48928784 -
java-gnome master 48959433 -
java-gnome master 48958496 -
jchardet f32 48877129 -
kerberoast master 48959731 -
kernel f32 48894336 -
kernel f31 48896215 -
kphotoalbum master - PR-2
libeconf eln 48942126 -
libeconf master 48941912 -
libhandy1 master 48925205 -
libnumbertext eln 48922481 -
libnumbertext master 48922369 -
libomp master 48925622 -
libzypp master 48941748 -
lldb master - PR-15
llvm master - PR-58
llvm master 48930724 -
maven-archetype f32 48879459 -
maven-indexer f32 48880761 -
minder f32 48924310 -
minder master 48924189 -
mod_security eln 48924572 -
mod_security master 48924549 -
nbdkit master 48931328 -
octomap master 48926047 -
ompl master 48926202 -
OpenMolcas master 48924657 -
paraview master 48922446 -
pcl master 48930000 -
pcp f32 48906572 -
pcp f31 48906580 -
pdfbox master 48924201 -
perl-CGI-Compile master 48952353 -
perl-Minion-Backend-SQLite master 48952823 -
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI master 48953034 -
perl-Net-ARP master 48921187 -
perl-Text-Table-Tiny master 48954488 -
player master 48929106 -
podman master 48919765 -
pycairo master - PR-5
pygobject3 master - PR-2
pysubnettree master 48922016 -
python-daemon master - PR-5
python-django-crispy-forms f32 48936472 -
python-django-crispy-forms f31 48937288 -
python-django-crispy-forms master 48936138 -
python-django-filter f32 48924530 -
python-django-filter f31 48925142 -
python-django-filter master 48924508 -
python-django-helpdesk master 48938034 -
python-django-helpdesk master 48937728 -
python-django-threadedcomments master 48938763 -
python-docutils master - PR-7
python-imagesize master - PR-1
python-imagesize master - PR-1
python-imagesize master - PR-1
python-imagesize master - PR-1
python-imagesize master - PR-1
python-jsonfield f32 48924640 -
python-jsonfield f31 48924713 -
python-jsonfield master 48924564 -
python-numpoly f32 48924459 -
python-numpoly f31 48924473 -
python-numpoly master 48924430 -
python-pygments master - PR-6
python-pygments master - PR-6
python-pynetbox master 48953794 -
python-pysnooper f32 48912594 -
python-pytest-xdist epel7 48900399 -
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp master - PR-2
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp master - PR-2
python-xcffib master - PR-2
python-xnat f32 48924397 -
python-xnat f31 48924414 -
python-xnat master 48924384 -
python3-saml epel8 48924026 -
R eln 48927829 -
R master 48924611 -
R-bookdown f32 48932985 -
R-bookdown master 48924570 -
R-covr f32 48934041 -
R-covr f31 48937378 -
R-covr master 48929073 -
R-crosstalk f32 48932026 -
R-crosstalk f31 48935908 -
R-crosstalk master 48924575 -
R-devtools master 48956803 -
R-DT f32 48933402 -
R-DT f31 48937063 -
R-DT master 48928356 -
R-formattable f32 48934044 -
R-formattable f31 48937398 -
R-formattable master 48929075 -
R-ggplot2 master 48952290 -
R-gh master 48953752 -
R-isoband f32 48932028 -
R-isoband f31 48934880 -
R-isoband master 48924579 -
R-keyring f32 48932036 -
R-keyring f31 48935915 -
R-keyring master 48924588 -
R-magick master 48950474 -
R-magick f32 48932038 -
R-magick f31 48934811 -
R-magick master 48924591 -
R-pdftools master 48949915 -
R-profmem f32 48932042 -
R-profmem f31 48934951 -
R-profmem master 48924603 -
R-rgdal f32 48924319 -
R-rgdal master 48924528 -
R-RPostgres f32 48932022 -
R-RPostgres master 48924568 -
R-rsvg master 48951524 -
R-tesseract f32 48932994 -
R-tesseract f31 48936365 -
R-tesseract master 48927254 -
R-tibble master 48957213 -
R-usethis master 48955227 -
rclone-browser master 48916354 -
Rex master 48950793 -
rpmdeplint master - PR-3
rubygem-cairo master 48947582 -
rubygem-gettext master 48946225 -
rubygem-nokogiri f32 48899279 -
rubygem-nokogiri f31 48899305 -
rubygem-pdfkit master 48948448 -
rubygem-rake-compiler eln 48947180 -
rubygem-rake-compiler master 48947169 -
rust-indexmap eln 48924491 -
rust-indexmap master 48924463 -
rust-lsd master 48920630 -
sakura master 48954077 -
stage master 48930218 -
svt-av1 master 48931426 -
tetrinetx f32 48898103 -
tetrinetx f31 48898110 -
trace-summary master 48921889 -
trellis master 48929509 -
vfrnav master 48957312 -
vrms-rpm epel8 48915774 -
vrms-rpm dist-6E-epel 48916751 -
vrms-rpm epel7 48916190 -
vrms-rpm f31 48912482 -
waifu2x-converter-cpp master 48935680 -
wkhtmltopdf master 48949247 -
wob f32 48908463 -
wob f31 48908533 -
xpra master 48922944 -
zypper master 48942826 -