From Fedora Project Wiki
== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==
Page was updated on: 2020-12-07 12:14:22.368345 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24.0 hours since 2020-12-07 12:13:07 UTC.
PASSED | INFRA Failure | TEST Failure | Skipped CI | Build Running |
Project name | Branch | Koji build | Pull Request |
annobin | eln | 56904142 | - |
annobin | master | 56899845 | - |
asciidoc | master | - | PR-5 |
bandit | master | 56925126 | - |
bionetgen | master | 56911448 | - |
cdist | master | 56941776 | - |
chunkfs | master | 56923003 | - |
clamav-unofficial-sigs | master | 56948160 | - |
composer | master | 56953220 | - |
coolreader | master | 56908633 | - |
Cython | master | - | PR-25 |
dleyna-renderer | master | 56913425 | - |
dmlite | master | - | PR-3 |
dotnet3.1 | eln | 56923035 | - |
dotnet3.1 | master | 56915604 | - |
drupal8 | master | 56923252 | - |
elements | master | 56947985 | - |
elements-alexandria | master | 56951690 | - |
endlessh | epel7 | 56927327 | - |
endlessh | epel8 | 56921195 | - |
endlessh | master | 56919416 | - |
f33-backgrounds | eln | 56928215 | - |
f33-backgrounds | master | 56928160 | - |
fcitx5 | master | 56935974 | - |
fossil | master | 56939343 | - |
gcc | master | 56836638 | - |
golang-cloud-google | eln | 56951263 | - |
golang-cloud-google | master | 56950173 | - |
golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-24 | master | 56934189 | - |
golang-google-api | eln | 56940737 | - |
golang-google-api | master | 56940247 | - |
golang-google-genproto | eln | 56943699 | - |
golang-google-genproto | master | 56943551 | - |
herbstluftwm | master | 56951675 | - |
kde-partitionmanager | master | 56906007 | - |
kpmcore | master | 56905467 | - |
libjaylink | master | 56922939 | - |
libtool | eln | 56904141 | - |
libtool | master | 56900558 | - |
mariadb | master | 56950959 | - |
mesa | eln | 56931833 | - |
mesa | master | 56930783 | - |
mld2p4 | master | 56925547 | - |
mpir | epel8 | 56926491 | - |
mpir | master | 56926304 | - |
mpir | master | 56917984 | - |
netbox | epel8 | 56920170 | - |
netbox | master | 56915155 | - |
netbox | master | 56904128 | - |
NetworkManager | eln | 56912067 | - |
NetworkManager | master | 56910023 | - |
ocserv | epel8 | 56918047 | - |
perftest | eln | 56937023 | - |
perftest | master | 56936830 | - |
perl-App-cpm | master | 56947523 | - |
perl-Number-Fraction | master | 56957453 | - |
perltidy | eln | 56954662 | - |
perltidy | master | 56954080 | - |
php-composer-spdx-licenses | master | 56952517 | - |
php-nikic-php-parser4 | master | 56953898 | - |
php-pecl-event | master | 56951695 | - |
php-pecl-xdebug3 | master | 56951102 | - |
php-phpunit-phploc | master | 56956200 | - |
phpcpd | master | 56956822 | - |
phpunit9 | master | 56954571 | - |
plasma-disks | master | 56943685 | - |
podman | master | 56957126 | - |
python-autopep8 | master | 56946081 | - |
python-breathe | eln | 56938902 | - |
python-breathe | master | 56938771 | - |
python-check-manifest | master | 56927389 | - |
python-colorlog | master | 56910523 | - |
python-coreapi | epel8 | 56921443 | - |
python-coreschema | epel8 | 56921469 | - |
python-diskcache | master | 56910080 | - |
python-django | epel8 | - | PR-17 |
python-django-cacheops | epel8 | 56921535 | - |
python-django-cors-headers | epel8 | 56921593 | - |
python-django-js-asset | epel8 | 56921835 | - |
python-django-jsonfield-backport | epel8 | 56920599 | - |
python-django-pglocks | epel8 | 56921848 | - |
python-django-prometheus | epel8 | 56921867 | - |
python-django-prometheus | master | 56909342 | - |
python-django-rq | epel8 | 56921922 | - |
python-django-taggit | epel8 | 56921347 | - |
python-django-timezone-field | epel8 | 56921286 | - |
python-drf-yasg | epel8 | 56920130 | - |
python-drf-yasg | master | 56910127 | - |
python-funcy | epel8 | 56922798 | - |
python-holidays | master | 56910066 | - |
python-html2text | epel7 | 56893253 | - |
python-inflection | epel8 | 56922552 | - |
python-itypes | epel8 | 56922553 | - |
python-markdown | master | - | PR-6 |
python-pep562 | epel8 | 56920516 | - |
python-rq | epel8 | 56922550 | - |
python-toml | f33 | - | PR-9 |
python-whatever | epel8 | 56922554 | - |
qca | master | 56912251 | - |
qtchooser | master | - | PR-1 |
qtchooser | master | - | PR-1 |
qtchooser | master | - | PR-1 |
qutebrowser | master | - | PR-10 |
rclone | epel8 | 56875243 | - |
redhat-rpm-config | eln | 56954072 | - |
redhat-rpm-config | master | 56953627 | - |
runc | eln | 56940336 | - |
runc | master | 56940232 | - |
scribus | master | 56953435 | - |
sip5 | master | 56906887 | - |
sslscan | epel8 | 56914733 | - |
synergy | master | 56934760 | - |
veusz | master | 56905334 | - |
weasyprint | master | 56923044 | - |
wesnoth | master | 56910005 | - |
will-crash | f33 | - | PR-3 |
youtube-dl | master | 56924040 | - |