This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project.
Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee
FLSCo Elections
The mid-term elections for FLSCo are slated to happen sometime during the end of December 2008. Members will be elected to replace three serving members completing their 6 months term. Paul Frields and Dimitris Glezos called[1] on FLP members to nominate themselves or suitable members[2] to be part of the Steering Committee.
Paul Frields also commended[8] the improved coordination between the Documentation and Translation teams during this release and applauded the efforts made by FLSCo and other members of FLP that has helped bring about this change.
Fedora-website Translation Repository
The last week of the Fedora Translation cycle saw translation activity for the Fedora Websites[3]. A minor hiccup was averted when Ricky Zhou alerted[4] the translators about the change in the submission repository for the website translations.
Fedora 10 Release Notes Branched
The "f10" branch was created for the Fedora 10 Release Notes and added into by DimitrisGlezos[5].
Fedora 10 Release Announcment in Local Languages
Karsten Wade announced[6] that for Fedora 10, the translation/local country teams have the option of writing their own release announcements instead of translating the English version.
Zero-Day Version of the Fedora 10 Release Notes
All bugs related to Fedora 10 Release Notes have been closed by PaulFrields[7] and the Zero-Day version of the .pot file is now available[8]. A final RPM version with the updates would be packaged on Monday.
Sponsorship to cvsl10n Group
The discussion related to sponsoring new members to the cvsl10n group continued this week. DimitrisGlezos suggested[9] elevating the status of all language coordinators to "sponsor".