From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 11:16, 5 June 2021 by Pboy (talk | contribs) (Added description of simple way of contribution)

We provide several ways to contribute.

  1. You may send us an email, e.g. while reading a document on our Web pages.
  2. You may download a document, make changes and send it back.
  3. You may create a complete authoring environment using Git and Podman / Docker

Sending an e-mail with proposed changes

A very simple and straightforward approach is indicated when something catches your eye while reading an article, or when you are conducting a review of a single document. Just write your suggestions in the form of "current version" - "proposed version" in an email and send it either to the Fedora Server list,, or directly to the server documentation coordinator (currently Suggestions will then be included in the text, or perhaps there will be follow-up questions.

Download a document


Setting up an authoring environment
