Home Assistant (HASS) is a localized home automation system that doesn't relay on any external cloud service nor network connections. It's written with Python and it has wide home automation hardware support, called integrations.
By its nature home automation installations are used for long periods which conflicts with the fast pace of Linux operating system life cycles. HASS is also written with the latest Python features which are not available in enterprise type of Linux variants. These combined its hard to install and get running. Project itself provides a lot of pre-made installation images where Rasperry Pi native hardware is the reference target. Provided virtual machine images do not run on enterprise Linux either. At the moment looks like the Fedora Server releases provide both requirements, the somewhat recent Python versions and slower release cycle.
Systemd file /etc/systemd/system/hass@hass.service. It assumes the manual installation directory.
[Unit] Description=Home Assistant After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=%i WorkingDirectory=/home/%i/.homeassistant ExecStart=/srv/hass/bin/hass -c "/home/%i/.homeassistant" RestartForceExitStatus=100 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
User interface
Web interface is in port 8123 by default.