From Fedora Project Wiki
Scott Dowdle

- I've been using Linux since 1995, Red Hat Linux since 1996, and Fedora since Fedora Core 1 was released. I prefer Fedora for desktop usage and am currently running Fedora 10 at home and Fedora 9 at work. On servers I prefer RHEL or CentOS
- I'm very active in the OpenVZ community and hope to, at some point in the future, see if I can get the Fedora Project interested in making OpenVZ a stock part of the distro. I do maintain CentOS and Fedora OS Templates for OpenVZ (updated monthly) where they can be found in the contrib area.
- I run the [] website which is a hub for LUGs in the state of Montana (USA). So far there is the BozemanLUG (which I'm the leader of), HelenaLUG, BillingsLUG and MissoulaLUG. [] hosts content for all of the Montana area LUGs.
- Email:
- IRC: I hang out on #ubuntu-montana, #openvz, #moodle, and #zimbra with the registered nick of dowdle. I visit the #fedora change sometimes but the traffic on that channel so so heavy it is hard for me to keep up with so I don't hang out there all of the time.
Activities within Fedora
- I am new to the project and just dipping my toe in the water at the moment.