From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 20:19, 21 February 2009 by Danielsmw (talk | contribs) (Just some temporal updates.)

Biographical Information

A sunny day in Charleston, SC.
  • Name: Matthew Daniels
  • Occupation: Undergraduate Student
  • Hometown: Charleston, SC
  • Current Residence: Clemson, SC
  • Starting Actively Working in Fedora Project: September 2008
  • Blog: Reflected Pensiveness


  • Linux
  • Martial Arts
  • Physics & Mathematics
  • Camping & Backpacking
  • Programming

Goals in Fedora Project

I currently play the lead role in maintaining the Fedora User Guide, as well as a couple of wiki docs. I try to help out as much as I can with the Fedora Documentation Team, and I'm thinking of joining Ambassadors soon. My goal is to help spread Linux and Fedora as widely as possible; and I think that we're in an exciting part of history where this is beginning to happen more and more.

I'm also researching Sugar and putting together plans for writing an activity for the OLPC XO-1 that will contribute toward creating a 4th grade mathematics curriculum. When that's done, I'm tempted to write more advanced, high school or undergrad level programs for physics or mathematics, but we'll see where that goes.

I am a member of the Clemson Linux User Group, and - though they don't know it yet - I'm probably going to run for a position next time we have elections. I can't wait to get involved in that. I'm also hoping that having a physics major more involved in CLUG can get people from majors outside of computer science or computer engineering to realize that Linux is an operating system anyone can use and enjoy.

My page used to say this:

  • Basically, I joined the Fedora project because I wanted to give back. Linux has been great to me over the years, and now it's time for me to be great for it. If anybody has any projects they think I could work on (that I'm not already involved in), please let me know!

But that's not really the reason I do this anymore. It's still part of it, but now that I'm involved, I'm realizing that it's just pretty fun to develop. I don't feel like I'm being burdened having to give back to the community; rather, I feel like it's a privilege, and I think everybody should look for some way to give back to the communities that give to them. It's a good feeling, and it helps you improve your own skills along the way.

Contact Info

  • Email: danielsmw (at) gmail <dot> com
  • IRC: danielsmw on Freenode