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< I18N
Fedora I18N Meetings
Next meeting
- 2009-01-20 0500 UTC on #fedora-meeting at Freenode
Please add agenda items or propose to fedora-i18n-list ahead of the meeting.
- Features/IBus -- JensPetersen
- Yum langpacks extension -- JensPetersen
- Extending input-methods with emoticons and other unicode chars -- PravinSatpute
- default vfat fs encoding in F11 kernel (should the utf8 patch be removed? and be sure it's fixed in [hal or devicekit rhbz #470592]) -- User:Alsadi
- Fonts package renaming
- Language tagging in toolkits of input text for correct rendering and spelling-checking -- nim-nim
- Add topic -- FedoraContributor
- Next meeting
Previous Meetings
- 2007-11-29 05:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting (freenode) on F9 Features
- 2007-08-14 23:00 UTC on #fudcon (freenode)
- 2007-07-02 06:00 UTC on #fedora-i18n (freenode)