Tcl/Tk 9.0
Tcl/Tk rebase to version 9. There are some major incompatibilities and it's unrealistic to port all depending packages, thus the compat Tcl/Tk 8 packages will be provided.
- Name: Jaroslav Škarvada
- Email:
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora Linux 42
- Last updated: 2024-12-03
- [Announced]
- [<will be assigned by the Wrangler> Discussion thread]
- FESCo issue: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
Detailed Description
Some packages were already ported to Tcl/Tk 9, but some ports are complicated or there is nobody working/interested in the port at the moment thus it's unrealistic to port everything into f42. That's why the compat Tcl/Tk 8 packages will be provided and maintained till there will be packages requiring Tcl/Tk 8. This effort has been announced on the fedora-devel mailing list.
Example of the change in the packages SPEC:
Original package, or package building with the Tcl/Tk 9:
... BuildRequires: tcl-devel BuildRequires: tk-devel ...
Package switched to the compat Tcl/Tk:
... BuildRequires: tcl-compat-8-devel BuildRequires: tk-compat-8-devel ...
The switch to the rebased Tcl/Tk and the packages built with the compat should happen atomically through the side-tag.
There hasn't been any proposed alternative and no negative feedback yet.
Benefit to Fedora
There are several new features in the Tcl/Tk 9 (details in the #User_Experience). Fedora packages should follow the upstream latest releases.
- Proposal owners:
- rebase Tcl/Tk packages to version 9 (done in copr)
- get compat Tcl/Tk 8 packages into Fedora
- fill bugzillas for components not ported to Tcl/Tk 9 to switch to compat Tcl/Tk 8
- Other developers:
- Developers that will not port their packages to Tcl/Tk 9 will have to switch the BuildRequires: to compat Tcl/Tk 8 devel packages. This can be also done by proven packagers or the feature owner (proven packager) in case there will be no reaction to the created bugzillas.
- Release engineering: #Releng issue number
- There is probably no need to coordinate this with the Release engineering.
- Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
- Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
- Alignment with the Fedora Strategy:
Upgrade/compatibility impact
It should seamlessly update. Packages ported to Tcl/Tk 9 will require Tcl/Tk 9 and unported packages will require compat Tcl/Tk 8.
Early Testing (Optional)
Do you require 'QA Blueprint' support? N
How To Test
- Install Tcl/Tk depending packages, e.g. expect, gitk, ..., check the list of packages in the #Dependencies
- Check functionality of the package.
User Experience
User experience may improve due to the new features supported by Tcl/Tk 9, e.g.:
- 64-bit Capacity: Data values larger than 2Gb
- Unicode and Encodings: full codepoint range, added encodings, encoding profiles to govern I/O, and more.
- Access to OS facilities: notifications, print, and tray systems
- Scalable Vector Graphics: partial support in images, extensive use to enable scalable widget and theme appearances.
Full list in:
Some of the packages listed bellow only explictly require the Tcl interpreter and could work with the new Tcl package even without rebuild or compat version. Packages implicitly requiring the Tcl/Tk libraries (i.e. these that will 100 % require port/rebuild or compat version) are included in the Copr:
blt brazil brltty bwidget catdoc cgnslib classified-ads deal eggdrop emacspeak environment-modules eth-tools expect fmtools gcl gensio git git-cola gpsman graphviz gtkwave hamlib hfsutils hping3 html2ps iaxclient ifm insight irsim itcl itk iwidgets linsmith llvm-test-suite Lmod magic maxima med memchan mercurial mmtests mpqc nagelfar nbdkit ncid netgen-mesher ngspice ocaml-lablgl ocaml-labltk ocaml-ocamlnet ogdi opencascade openmsx owfs packmol pcb pgplot pidgin planets plplot postgresql15 postgresql16 pypy pypy3.10 pypy3.9 PySolFC python3.10 python3.11 python3.12 python3.13 python3.14 python3.6 python3.8 python3.9 R remind rrdtool R-tkrplot rubygem-tk snobol4 sqlite sqlite2 stk svxlink systemtap tcl tcl-ezsmtp tcllib tcl-mysqltcl tcl-pgtcl tcl-signal tcl-snack tcl-tclreadline tcl-tcludp tcl-tclvfs tcl-tclxml tcl-thread tcl-tileqt tcl-tkpng tcl-tktreectrl tcltls tcl-togl tcl-trf tclx tcl-zlib tdom texlive-base tix tk tkabber tkdnd tkimg tklib tktray torque usb_modeswitch uudeview vim-syntastic vkeybd weechat wordnet xapian-bindings xbindkeys xcircuit xpa xschem x11vnc yaz yosys znc
Contingency Plan
- Contingency mechanism: Drop the compat packages, bump the epoch of the Tcl/Tk, revert to the version 8 and bump and rebuilt depending packages. This can be done by the feature owner.
- Contingency deadline: beta freeze
- Blocks release? No