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Fedora Events: IV ESLAM
- Manaus, AM, Brazil
- May 25-26, 2007
- Brazil - RJ - RodrigoPadula (Confirmed)
- Brazil - BA - CristianoFurtado (Confirmed)
- 05/29 Pictures from IV ESLAM -
- 05/27 Creation of the Amazonic Fedora Project in progress (13 local colaborators interested).
- 05/26 Lecture About Fedora - Potentialities for the Desktop (Great success!!) 400 persons present in the LECTURE ROOM
- 05/25 Lecture About Fedora Project (Great success!!) 300 persons present in the LECTURE ROOM
- 05/24 Going to ESLAM
- 05/24 Budget received from Max!!
- 05/14 Budget confirmed from Max!!
- 05/09 Waiting for budget to confirm air tickets, hotel and others!
- 05/09 Program : Table of lectures
- 05/09 Presenters: IV ESLAM
- 04/04 Lectures Approved
- 04/04 Budget Approved by Max
- Lectures about Fedora Project (Approved)
- Lectures about Fedora Desktop (Approved)