From Fedora Project Wiki
You can always see the current list of open Perl review tickets (bugs) here.
- Bricolage - Content Management System (CPAN: Bundle::Bricolage)
- Needs work to make it play nice with Apache2/mod_perl2.
- Alzabo - Data modelling tool (CPAN: Alzabo)
- Encode::HanExtra - Extra encodings for Encode (for w3c-markup-validator)
- Encode::JIS2K - Extra encodings for Encode (for w3c-markup-validator)
- IMC - Idealx Management Console
- All dependencies should already be in Fedora.
- StevenPritchard has put some work into this already.
Geo::IPfree - Look up country of IP Address. This module make this off-line and the DB of IPs is free & small. @ RHBZ #483628- PlRPC - A bundle to install PlRPC-Server, Client and prerequisites.
- Task::Catalyst -- Catalyst components thought of as "standard".
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class @ RHBZ #478942
Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu @ RHBZ #475427Catalyst::Engine::Apache @ RHBZ #471429Catalyst::Log::Log4perl @ RHBZ #473218- Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL @ RHBZ #479056
Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles @ RHBZ #478940- Catalyst::Plugin::I18N
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::URI
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File @ RHBZ #473222- FCGI::ProcManager @ RHBZ #485642
PAR @ RHBZ #perl-PAR
- Task::Moose -- Moose extensions thought of as "standard."
Moose::Autobox @ RHBZ #483933MooseX::Async @ RHBZ #481567MooseX::ClassAttribute @ RHBZ #481681- MooseX::Compile
- MooseX::Compile::CLI
MooseX::Daemonize @ RHBZ #482863MooseX::GlobRef::Object @ RHBZ #485963- MooseX::InsideOut
MooseX::Iterator @ RHBZ #483459MooseX::LazyLogDispatch @ RHBZ #485967MooseX::LogDispatch @ RHBZ #483258MooseX::Method @ RHBZ #483453MooseX::Param @ RHBZ #483461MooseX::POE @ RHBZ #482856MooseX::Policy::SemiAffordanceAccessor @ RHBZ #483657MooseX::Role::Cmd @ RHBZ #485154MooseX::SimpleConfig @ RHBZ #483557- MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Storage
MooseX::Types::Set::Object @ RHBZ #483569MooseX::Workers @ RHBZ #483649- Pod::Coverage::Moose
- MojoMojo - Wiki (Catalyst based)
- Algorithm::Merge
- Catalyst::Plugin::Email
- Catalyst::Plugin::Singleton (needs 0.02)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode (needs 0.8)
- Catalyst::Plugin::I18N
- Data::FormValidator::Constraints::DateTime
- DBIx::Class::DateTime::Epoch
- DBIx::Class::HTML::FormFu
- HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn
- Module::Pluggable::Ordered (needs 1.4)
- HTML::GenToc
- HTML::Strip (needs 1.04)
- HTML::TagCloud
- String::Diff
- Text::Context
- XML::Clean
- Text::Password::Pronounceable
- Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate
- Config::JFDI
- Task::Kensho - "A Glimpse at an Enlightened Perl"
- Most of Task::Kensho's deps are already in Fedora. Outstanding are:
- App::Ack
- Bundle::CPAN
Date::Tiny @ RHBZ #483641- Devel::NYTProf
- Devel::REPL
- local::lib
- Module::Corelist
- Moose::Autobox
- MooseX::Storage
- Getopt::Mixed (Please also EPEL)
- Locale::gettext (Please also EPEL)