From Fedora Project Wiki
Tiago Vieira

- I'm computer scientist graduated by a Brazilian university ([1]) in 2005. I came to UK end of 2005 and actually I'm working for a start-up company located in Reading since Oct/2007 which is creating a really cool product ([2]). My position at IAT is QA Manager, Test Lead and Deployment & Configuration Manager. So, I'm really busy almost of the time. Before I've got to this position I was working as Senior Software Engineer for Arc Technology ([3]).
- I still prefer programming areas, scripting and automation tasks. My preferred languages are:
- C/C++
- Python
- For scripting and automation Python, Bash scripts and Ant solved almost of the problems I faced until today.
Sure other languages and scripts like Java, Perl, SQL, Javascript are not problem for me. I'm just not using it so frequently as the languages above (part from Javascript for AJAX technologies which I've been dealing for testing in a daily basis.)
- Email:
- IRC: r0xc0rp at #fedora-br
- GPG key: 47EA1F16
- Fedora Account: tiagovieira
- VOIP: Fedora Extension 5125164 (if you use Ekiga or Twinckle call me using
Activities within Fedora
- I've just joined Fedora project and hope to become part of this fantastic project!
- Please feel free to give me a ring in my VoIP, even if it just to have a quick chat about Linux, programming, help (if I can help you), volunteer for your project. I speak English and Portuguese only. I will do my best to help you.