Edney Matias

Hi, there!
I'm from Brasil! I live at Foz do Iguassu! Here you will find the Cataratas Falls and the world's biggest dam, Itaipu Binacional. Here is also the city where Latinoware - The Latin America Conference on Free Software takes place. This is the second FOSS event on Brazil, with 3.000 people on site and a strong presence of people from other countries. The first event is FISL on Rio Grande do Sul.
I got a Computer Science degree on 2004 and worked as a Java developer for about one year, then i started my own business, indeed i and other 15 friends. Here is our company site, its name is Prognus Software Livre and yes, its a free software company.
I am just a simple user of the technology, i do not code for some years now but I think i can contribute in another ways specially promoting Fedora (see below).
- Email: mailto:edneymatias@gmail.com
- IRC: ; you can find me as edneymatias on #fedora, #fedora-kde and
- GPG key: i'm on my way
- Fedora Account: my name on Fedora Account System is edneymatias
Activities within Fedora
I use free software since 1999 and the group which started the company use free software also, some more than others, it's true but I'm a Fedora user for less then one year. My contributions to the Fedora project by now are limited to some bug reports and some apparitions on the channels above to ask for help.
Right now we (my company) are supporting the creation of a local free software user group, indeed I'm direct involved on the decisions take by the group. This group will primarily act with the universities to spread the use of free software and I believe that there's space here to create a Fedora user group.
This is the way I think I can contribute to Fedora project, I liked the way the people at Fedora communicate its values and right now the Fedora project is the benchmark for our local group, at least for me. I would love if our group embrace the project and together work for the promotion of free software. Some planned projects:
- events with the community to promote free software;
- creation of introducing materials (docs, presentations) to open source and free software;
- development of a custom distribution to use at the universities labs (could be Fedora base, right now is Ubuntu);
- translation marathons;
- bug triage;
- coding;
- success stories of companies that use free software (right now the technological park where we are and Itaipu dam uses free software). The group wants to show to students that they can work with free software and make a life of it!
- bring Red Hat academy program to the park.
That's it!
P.S. I don't know if I managed to express myself the way I should.