From Fedora Project Wiki
Scott Dowdle

- I've been using Linux since 1995, Red Hat Linux since 1996, and Fedora since Fedora Core 1 was released. I prefer Fedora for desktop usage and am currently running Fedora 10 at home and Fedora 9 at work. On servers I prefer RHEL or CentOS.
- I took the RHCE cram course in 2003 and made a 98% on the exam... although that has since lapsed and I haven't retested. I'd really like to learn SELinux someday as it looks pretty sweet... but just haven't gotten around to it.
- I run the[1] website which is a content hub for LUGs in the state of Montana (USA). So far there is the BozemanLUG (which I'm the leader of), HelenaLUG, BillingsLUG and MissoulaLUG.
- I am very active in the OpenVZ Project[2] and maintain OS Templates for CentOS and Fedora (updated monthly) which can be found in the OpenVZ contrib area[3].
- I've been luck enough to attend a few Linux oriented shows. I helped staff the OpenVZ booth at LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in 2007 and 2008 in San Francisco... in the .Org Pavilion. I attended Linuxfest Northwest 2007 and 2008. At Linuxfest Northwest 2008 I gave a presentation entitled "Hardware/Machine Virtualization vs. OS Virtualization".
- Email:
- IRC: I hang out on #ubuntu-montana, #openvz, and #zimbra with the registered nick of dowdle. I visit the #fedora channel sometimes but the channel traffic is so heavy it is hard for me to keep up with so I don't hang out there all of the time. #ubuntu-montana really isn't used much as an Ubuntu channel... it is for all Linux users in Montana and there are Fedora users, CentOS users, Gentoo users, etc.
Activities within Fedora
- I am new to the project and just dipping my toe in the water at the moment although I have been promoting Red Hat and Fedora for many years by writing articles and reviews on my website and by burning CDs and DVDs given away at LUG meetings.
- At some point in the future, I want to see if I can get the Fedora Project interested in making OpenVZ a stock part of the distro.