From Fedora Project Wiki
Anirudh Singh Shekhawat
- emai:- acedip AT lugj DOT in
- Fedora Ambassador – India/Jaipur
- blog (mainly fedora stuff) :-
- blog (mainly personal stuff) :-
- IRC Nick(freenode):- Acedip (usually hangs out at ##linux-india,#fedora and #lug-jaipur)
- phone:- 9214336226 ( Text message only )
- date of birth:- oct 31st 1988
- Computer science engineering, 3rd year, at japur/india
- contributor to the free media program india, jaipur – [
- highly motivated and on the go,whenever get an opportunity to introduce people to linux/open source. Organize events at my college and other places to make people aware open possibilities.
- I like to help people with their problems when i'm free, at IRC and definitely around my place too.
- Member of a local lug called lugj where we do what usually a lug does