Karsten Wade (KarstenWade)
File:KarstenWade quaid-april-2007-240x180.jpg
Contact info
IRC: quaid on #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #svlug, #sluglug
VoIP: sip:kwade@talk.fedoraproject.org
Direct dial -- use a local number from the Fedora talk server extension 5100038
Brief whois
I am a community wrangler, demangler, and gardener, working for a team at Red Hat of community catalysts, a.k.a. Community Architecture. Read up on my #Goals to get a better idea of the work I am doing. For technical skills, you can consider me to be equivalent to a senior systems administrator and senior technical writer, i.e., I know enough to myself in to trouble and half way back out again.
This section covers current work and personal goals that are all relevant to my work in Community Architecture, which includes Fedora and other community goals. Each goal has a corresponding task section on User:Quaid/Tasks for goals.
Community goals for 2009
These goals are effective starting February 2009 and continue through calendar year 2009 until the end of fiscal year 2010 in February 2010.
Open source ISV ecosystem
User:Quaid/Plan for FLOSS ISV Ecosystem in 2009
- Grow the visible presence of open source ISVs in Fedora and related projects.
- Packaging of various open source applications.
- Beyond packaging in the distro to appliances and live OS usage.
- SIG membership increased by N measurement.
- Help ISV Special Interest Group members to get as many packages in F11 as possible.
- Possible features?
- Hold ISV SIG Virtual Summit 2009 to work on F11 items?
- Hold ISV SIG Summit at OSCON 2009 with anyone attending OSCON?
- Hold ISV SIG Summit at Red Hat Summit JBoss World 2009 with anyone attending.
- Catalyze communication between RHEL and EPEL around common problems and solutions
- Grow activity in the group
- Increased mailing list traffic by X
- Increased packagers and users by Y
- Requires some knowledge of who is using EPEL
- Can RHN provide this for RHEL customers?
- Requires some knowledge of who is using EPEL
- Connect this growth back to growth in ISVs in Fedora
- Get Z ISVs involved
Community-building knowledge
- Gather community-building knowledge from across Fedora
- Output wiki pages and categories as a knowledge base
- Find several maintainers to assist in ongoing maintenance and growth of knowledge base
- Fedora-specific knowledge primarily
User:Quaid/Plan for FreeIPA in 2009
- Measurably grow the wider community involvement as participants and contributors to FreeIPA.
- Measurement currently unset
- Work with Red Hat and general community members
JBoss and Fedora integration points
- Seek places for integration of community project efforts
- JPackage.org/Java packaging
- JBoss.org packages in Fedora/EPEL
- Community activity days
- Cross-participants, cross-contributors
Fedora Documentation
- Complete transition of leadership and responsibilities
- Provide mentoring to leadership and new members
- Assist in all aspects of the project
Summer coding
- Work to maintain similar mentor, student, proposal, and acceptance statistics as previous year
- For example, Google is running a tighter GSoC than previous years; maintaining status quo for Fedora would be an excellent result
- Grow Summer coding marketing expertise from within Fedora
- Work with mentors from http://JBoss.org (presuming joint project groupings again)
Personal training and development goals 2009
These are goals for my personal development, related to training or other enrichment.
RHCE re-up
Re-up RHCE status for RHEL 5.
Red Hat University
Take 3 RHU courses in addition to any required courses.
Sugar and OLPC work
Details under User:Quaid/XO development plan.
Current and ongoing community development travel.
SCaLE_7x_Event+ Fedora_Activity_Day_at_SCaLE_7x -- 20 to 22 FebComputer-Using Educations (CUE) -- 5 to 7 Mar (Palm Springs, CA)Software Developers (SD) West -- 10 to 12 Mar (Santa Clara, CA) Expo ISVs-- Cancelled due to illness in the family and risk of contagion- Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit -- 8 to 10 April (San Francisco, CA)
- MySQL Conf -- ~20 to 23 April (San Jose, CA)
- LinuxFest_Northwest_(LFNW)_2009 -- 25, 26 April (Bellingham, WA)
- Should be presenting 'Participate or Die'
- Oregon State University for Industrial Advisory Board (potential trip) -- 15 May (Corvallis, OR)
- If this goes, I should travel up on 14 May if there is a LUG meeting
- OSCON_2009 + FAD -- 20 to 24 July (San Jose, CA)
- UTOSC? + FAD -- Summer (Salt Lake City, UT)
- RH Summit? + FAD -- 1 to 4 Sep (Chicago, IL)
Who is this guy really?
I am ...
- one of the Ambassadors, mainly in the Western United States ...
- a writer, editor, and rabble-rouser of the Docs Project ...
- a former Fedora Project Board member ...
- the second and longest overdone Docs Project leader/chair ...
- doing small things for the Websites team ...
- a junior member of the Infrastructure project ...
- one of the many Marketing marketeers ...
- ... a user of Fedora.
In my non-Fedora and non-Red Hat life I am ...
- a father and husband ...
- a resident of Santa Cruz, California, USA ...
- an organic urban homesteader ...
- a bicyclist ...
- a community activist ...
- a humanitarian ...
- usually happy. :)
Location: Santa Cruz, CA, USA (Pacific Time Zone)
Journal: iquaid.org, which also feeds into planet.fedoraproject.org
Homepage: [1] is always out of date or displaying a "You just installed Apache" page, yet it is canonical
GPG Data:
pub 1024D/AD0E0C41 2003-11-26 Key fingerprint = 2680 DBFD D968 3141 0115 5F1B D992 0E06 AD0E 0C41 uid Karsten G. Wade (quaid|phig) <karsten@karstenwade.com> uid Karsten Wade <kwade@redhat.com> uid Quaid <quaid@fedoraproject.org> uid Karsten 'quaid' Wade (i, quaid) <quaid@iquaid.org> uid Karsten Wade (personal) <karstenwade@gmail.com> sub 1024g/C07806E8 2003-11-26
GPG Public Key:
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