Daniel Kretschmer - Crossovo
Hi, my name is Daniel. I'm 24 years young. I´m an engineer electric and working with a building engineering company. My major task is system engineering.
- Email: [[MailTo(crossovo AT fedoraproject DOT org)]
- Jabber-Chat: crossovo on #fedoraproject at conference.jabber.ccc.de
- GPG key: 0x56D44B63
- to import my key:
$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0x56D44B63
- Location: Germany
- Language: german, english
I'm not one of those, using Linux for religious reasons only. I don't think that Bill Gates and Microsoft are evil. But I think that Linux and especially Fedora is the best choice for every user who wants to control his system and not wants to be controlled by his system. Fedora is free and I´m too.
Project(s) as an Ambassador / Activities within Fedora
- public work Fedora Germany
- 2009
- 2008
- Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2008
- 2007
Programming Languages
- Perl
- programmable logic controller (PLC)
- identi.ca