From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:35, 21 March 2009 by Zoglesby (talk | contribs) (added new markup for packages and commands)


Fedora 11 ships with support for Ogg Vorbis, Theora, FLAC, and Speex, giving you the freedom to watch or listen to your media in a free format. Not only are they all open source but no codec that ships with Fedora contains any harmful patents or licensing fees.

MP3 and Flash

Because of patent issues Fedora can not ship with an MP3 decoder, however if you are unable to convert to a patent free codec, such as Ogg Vorbis, Fluendo offers an MP3 decoder that follows all legal requirements set by the patent holder. Visit Fluendo's website ( for more information.

Abode's Flash player is proprietary software and Fedora recommends installing either swfdec or gnash from the repositories.

Volume Control

An updated volume control manager application provides you with more control over your audio preferences. Better integrated with PulseAudio, you can now control individual application inputs and outputs along with the sources and destinations for the audio.

With the removal of gnome-volume-manager, you may be left without an obvious way to adjust ALSA sound levels after an upgrade. If they are set too low, raising the PulseAudio sound levels may not work acceptably. The way to deal with this is to install alsa-utils and run alsamixer -c0 from a shell prompt. The alsamixer program has a curses text-based user interface to adjust sound levels for ALSA devices. Once alsamixer is running, get help by typing a question mark.



For more information refer to Multimedia.