Let us take the Fedora Usage to new peaks
I am Yugandhar Veeramachaneni, an under-graduation student, very interested in spreading the feel of Free and OpenSource Software® (FOSS®). I own a considerably good number of Websites belonging to various categories of public domains and I wish to spread the usage of Fedora® Linux® and Other FOSS through out the world through the visitors of my website(s).
I am also planning to launch a program of distributing FOSS to the computer users of my city (with the permission of Red Hat, Inc.), where the usage of FOSS is very low, so that they can know - be(st)tter alternatives are there to the usual licensed products like winduhs. I hope this will get them a bit closer to the FOSS Community !
Do you have any relevant Advertisement Banners or Square pieces ready about Fedora® or any other FOSS, then send them to my e-Mail ID : yugandhar@hsiplabs.com and after verifying them, I shall place them in my website(s) depending on its importance and usage.
Have Questions ?
Please feel free to contact me : yugandhar@hsiplabs.com for any queries or suggestions. Website : http://www.hsiplabs.com | http://www.eguides.in
Thank You for spending time to read this.
--Hsiplabs 14:21, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
Copyright Notice : Fedora and the Infinity design logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. and the term FOSS is taken from http://www.iosn.net/