Hello Everyone,I am Ajay Kalla,Working In koenig Solutions as a Corporate Linux Trainer in Dehradun.I have done Engg. in Computer Science from Jodhpur. I am a resident of Jodhpur Sun City , Rajasthan.
About Myself
I am a FOSS enthusiast. I believe Software should be Free (Free as in Free speech) and Open. This enables users understand what exactly they want from the software and accordingly they can modify the software.I believe that one should promote the use of Free and Open Source Software and let the knowledge be everyone.Linux,it just happened to me quite a long ago when one of my orkut friend Deependra Singh Shekhawat happened to be my Linux Trainer and a good motivating friend told me to know something about linux and Red Hat.That time i was like simple kid busy orkuting n stuff like that.But by the time i was in engineering college and had a chance to go to Bangalore for 3rd semester training i took the training very seriously and learnt the Network basics and implemented Linux Firewall on Redhat Linux 7 .Then came the real stuff,got a chance to do a project on Cluster.Deepsa (aka. Deependra Singh Shekhawat) helped me lot on this project.After that i was very much interested in fedora and linux After meeting him i came know what Fedora is all about.Most significant role which really pushed me in this stuff was played by deepsa(better known as linuxguru).
Contact Details
- Email: ajaykalla83 AT fedoraproject DOT org.
- IRC: ajay. You can see me idling in #fedora,#fedora-qa,#freeipa,#spacewalk,#redhat,#kvm,fedora-selinux on freenode.
- Location: Dehradun, India
- GPG key:0x6308C920
- Fedora Account: Ajaykalla83
- Blog: http://rootajay.blogspot.com
Activities within Fedora
- Fedora awareness
- Marketing