Fedora Ambassadors Recognition Awards
March 1st, 2007
Date: March 1st, 2007
It is my pleasure to announce following Ambassadors will receive Fedora Ambassadors Recognition Awards!
- ChitleshGoorah
- GeroldKassube
- ThomasCanniot
- JoergSimon
- FrancescoUgolini
On behalf of Fedora Ambassadors Project, thank you for your hard work and congratulations!
-- ThomasChung
August 31st, 2006
Date: August 31st, 2006
Hello everybody!
It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the next round of the Fedora Ambassadors Recognition Awards!
Here they are:
- PatrickBarnes
- KarlieRobinson
- ThomasChung
- GeroldKassube
- FlorianBrand
- ChitleshGoorah
- ThomasCanniot
- RodrigoPadula
- RodrigoMenezes
- HugoCisneiros
Please join me in congratulating these committed Ambassadors to the well-deserved award, and thank them for all their hard work!
Thank you,
-- AlexMaier
March 1st, 2006
Date: March 1st, 2006
Hello everybody!
Our project has been around for slightly over three months, and in this time we have done quite a lot. I know many of you think that we could be moving faster, but believe me, even with the baby steps we have taken so far, we have come a long way.
Today in the name of the Fedora Amassadors Steering Committee (Famsco) I would like to say thank you to all of you and to recognize with a little present those of you who have contributed actively above and beyond your call of duty. Those who have helped the project by organizing a Fedora event or by representing Fedora at an existing event, those of you who have helped by publishing the news about Fedora and promoting our project around the world.
Here is the list of people who will receive a recognition reward in the mail soon:
- ThomasCanniot
- ChitleshGoorah
- FredericHornain
- RahulSundaram
- TejasDinkar
- AurelienBompard
- SankarshanMukhopadhyay
- ThijsHulshof
- JackAboutboul
- GeroldKassube
- FlorianBrand
- ThomasChung
- DavidBarzilay
If you see your name here, please send me an email off-list with your mailing address. If you do not see your name on the list--take the initiative and do something! There are tons of ways to promote Fedora, just go ahead and do it!
And yes, don't forget to report to the list, because Famsco only knows about things that get reported on the list :)
Thank you all for all the help and support--this is just the beginning!
-- AlexMaier