Hanafiah Muhamad
Fedora Ambassador for Malaysia , MY
#!html <p><b>Email</b>: <a href="hanafiah@fedoraproject.org">hanafiah@fedoraproject.org</a></p>
- Contact no: +6 03 89961600
- Homepage : http://www.linkedin.com/in/mhanafiah
- GPG : 0xC35C03A2
to import my key:
$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0xC35C03A2
to refresh existing keys:
$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --refresh-keys
to sign and encrypt a file with ASCII armored output for a recipient
$ gpg -sea -r user@example.com file
- Member : Malaysia Fedora Ambassadors
- IRC: You can find me on cyberworld at #fedora-mktg ,#fedora-my and #myoss channels at freenode
- Location: Kuala Lumpur
- Language: English, Bahasa Melayu, French
Assalamualaikum / Good day / Peace upon you
Hi, my name is Mohd Hanafiah Bin Muhamad. You can address me Hanafiah. I'm Malaysian. I begin with Redhat Manhattan in 1998. I am a member of Asia Opensource community (Malaysia Group/MIMOS asiaosc). I also participate in Linux Professional Institute (LPI) as a volunteer. Currently I’m working as a Security Consultant for MSS project in Malaysia. I have just married. Starting from 22 Jun 2006 GMT +8, I am officially being Fedora Ambassador for Malaysia. I’m currently participate in fedora translator for Bahasa Melayu.
- Setup NTP server and has been used in pool.ntp.org Digicert Public NTP Server
- Writing Linux Module
- Security Consultant
- Linux Training
- etc...