Vedran Miletić
My name is Vedran Miletić. I work as a teaching assitant in Department of informatics of University in Rijeka, Croatia. Croatia is a really nice country in Central Europe, and Rijeka is a town situated in northwest on the sea coast. Nice place.
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- IRC: rivanvx in #fedora
- GPG key: 0xF47E931B
- Fedora Account: vedranm
I have been messing with Red Hat and Fedora for quite a long time, and using Fedora as my primary OS since Fedora Core 3. I love free software movement and it delights me to see how much it has grown, and I try to get my students intersted in contributing to it. We will se how it goes.
I like...
- server administration
- computer networks
- database systems, especially PostgreSQL
- Python
Activities within Fedora
- I'm interested in running Fedora on servers, bug triaging and spreading the word. That's it for now.