From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora website

  • ping Mo, Ricky... who else is doing website stuff?
  • what do we want out of our website, exactly? more users? more contributors? higher visitor-to-user or visitor-to-contributor yield? (Given the choice, I would pick the last one, and make sure that would still be true if the number of visitors scaled massively.)
  • More dynamic content - for X in Foundations? (Max)
  • ask infrastructure for the logs to find out which pages are getting the most traffic, or what google searches are bringing people to the site, and use this information in a smart way. (Max)
  • i18n is an interesting problem
  • should the site contain any social media information (#fedora on twitter, etc), an embedded IRC window (I don't think so, but throwing this thought out there...) or something else that would increase the chances of a casual visitor immediately engaging with the community?
    • This depends on us having a clear owner & strategy for Fedora social media (overlap w/ Marketing)
    • massive banner at top takes up a lot of space. more above-the-fold info? (Max)
    • I am willing to bet that most people will read "...Linux-based operating system... free and open source software" and go "I understood the word 'software,' what is everything else?"
    • fluid layout slightly awkward... we're wasting tons of space below "Learn More."
    • get/join/get-help links are tiny and to the left, even if they're the actions most new people will want to take. Make more prominent?
    • the main logo should link to the current version's tour page. (Max)
    • this is the page we point everyone to, right? I'd love to see stats for this, see what kind of visitors we get from where, and what they're actually trying to do, instead of guessing everything.
    • the download link is still pretty small. (Max)
    • Release countdown graphic is a cool idea.
    • Says it's open to join, but doesn't say why you'd want to; most people don't know that they want to...
    • Communicate has a small link, and even if you click on it it's somewhat overwhelming to a new contributor.
    • Similarly, how many visitors to the site will know what a wiki or a planet are? (Can we somehow show them?)
    • What are other linux distros or software projects doing? Compare and shamelessly rip off good ideas.
    • can we auto-choose a download location from mirror-manger based on figuring out where a person's IP address is? (Max) ALREADY DOES THIS
    • compare to how other operating systems do their download website (Max)
    • I'm imagining a new user coming here and going "what is Fedora, Linux, an operating system, and GNOME? Is this a decorative object for my garden?"
    • What are other linux distros or software projects doing? Compare and shamelessly rip off good ideas.


People to meet up with

  • Randy Orwin (org)
  • Steve Hargadon (org)
  • Mike Huffman
  • Mike Lee (SL DC)
  • Jeff Elkner (SL DC)
  • Luke Faraone (SL DC)
  • Carl Heine (IMSA)

Stuff to bring

  • business cards
  • wrist braces, neck/hand massagers, and other anti-RSI equipments
  • camera
  • audio recorder
  • water bottle


People to meet up with

  • Karsten Wade
  • Lana Akamine (RH, lunch noon 7/14)
  • Marsee Henon
  • Leslie Hawthorne
  • Jono Bacon
  • Matt Ray (ZenOSS)
  • David Strauss (Drupal)
  • Angie Byron (Drupal)
  • Other people

Places to check out

  • the RH mountain view office's lovely vistas
  • in n out burger (quoth Max)