From Fedora Project Wiki
Valentin-Stefan Cobelea
I am using Fedora since the beginning, at home and of course at the office. Before Fedora, I was using RedHat Linux and I was deeply enjoying it. I work in a Romanian office of a major U.S. Devices Software Optimization company, where I am a Development Engineer. Almost in every project, here at work, I've gladly used Fedora as a development platform.
- Email: too much spam, email removed (mail me using the Fedora Project email)
- Skype: valentin.cobelea
- AIM: valicobelea
- IRC: valente or valente85 @ #fedora-ambassadors , #fedora-meeting , #fedora-mktg , #fedora-bugzappers , #fedora-ro , #fedora
- GPG key: 7695 7091 93B6 9B9B 865C 53A7 EB97 8A6E 0ADA 6AF7
- Fedora Account: Valente
Activities within Fedora
- I've been accepted as an ambassador.
- Since in the area where I live there is no big activity regarding Linux, I'll do my best at work, to help my colleagues with Fedora related problems.
- I've been accepted as a bug-zapper.
- Established contact with the Romanian team from Fedora Project.
Fedora and me
- I like and use Fedora for everything I need. I want people to know about Fedora and what it could offer them.
- When somebody needs help with some issue I always explain and show how to solve that.
- I've created several documents that shows solutions for general problems, patches, manuals etc. All these things are really helping people, for instance here in the office where I work, because I see that there is no "publicity" for Fedora.
- Looking at other Linux distros, I think branded CDs, DVDs and even USB-data sticks could make more people use Fedora.
- Even if I'm working as a developer at work, almost all the Fedora related problems come to be.
Latest things I've done
- Helped my colleagues with the PackageKit update problem.
- Created several how-to wiki pages (inside company) for Fedora problems/issues.
- Installed and configured Fedora on several computers as base servers for different projects.
- Created USB memory sticks with Fedora 10 as rescue solutions for broken computers.
- Fixed the error caused by the kernel on several Dell D630 notebooks (mine was the "guinee pig").
- Start working on creating service packs (with Service Packs Creator) for computers that don't have internet access (due to security issues).
- Tested Fedora 11 Alpha release and presented to my colleagues the new things added.
- Contributions on several topics on a Romanian large forum.
- Subscribed to Fedora BugZappers group.
- Invited a colleague from the office to participate to Fedora Project. He enlisted as BugZapper (
- Created a topic on an important Romanian Linux forum regarding joining to Fedora Project.
- Helped a guy from Republic of Moldavia to setup his computer with Fedora 10.
- Presented to my office colleagues how to create .rpm packages for Fedora, from .deb and archives.
- Established contact with the other Romanian fellows from Fedora Project (thanks Nicu for all the infos).
- Tested Fedora 11 Beta release with my colleagues.
- Created, tested and presented my master diploma project on Fedora 10.
- Gone to a long good vacation.
- Proposed the name "Deus" for Fedora 12. Waiting and hopping to be approved.
- Helped a colleague with a serious NetworkManager problem.
- Contact the other Fedora Project members from Romania to get some branded LiveCDs. So I could give them to people around me who need them.
- Received a package with Fedora stuff: tshirt, LiveCDs, stickers. Started to give to colleagues at work, at the University of Galati, Linux fans.
- Installed Fedora 11, and presented to my fellow colleagues in the office.
- Wrote an article on .
- Start working on creating a Fedora Spin dedicated to development work. be updated