Expected Results:
add: Even if the display controller can't detect the external display has been plugged in, you should still be able to activate the external display port. (Many times external displays are not detected at all, and there is no way currently to get the PC's port to turn on). --sunset06 14:44, 7 July 2009 (UTC)
Presenting in conference room with pre-installed displays/AV systems.
note: in typical conference rooms fitted with large screen display (projectors, large lcd etc), it is not possible for a display card to detect attached displays:
- vga (DBHD15) edid/id pin is not connected, and the signal path is output only.
- vision signals are sent first via line drivers, often to central switcher. Display information can't be passed back to the display card.
- the one VGA output is often sent to multiple disparate displays (eg central video projector, plus pair of 50" lcd/plasma panels further back in the room, and others like a preview screen, recording.
- hdmi+hdcp ruins everything (once a room has multiple sources notebooks, bluray, and multiple displays), can we make what a hdmi equiped notebook does reasonable ?
- Take care to test that you can activate the display card output easily, when the notebook doesn't turn it on automatically
- no rebooting should be required (time wasting)
- no logoff/on cycle should be required (time wasting / lose the position of documents you were about to present).
- no digging in menus
- and easy set various output resolutions in attempting to match the external displays best resolution (preferably without the audience seeing the setup / config windows).
- after successful setup, if you unplug from an input plate, and re-plug in elsewhere (without rebooting), the external output plug should stay active, and not require the user to fiddle with settings again.
- the favoured settings determined above should be remembered and offered when the situation arises again (eg day 2 of the conference etc).
- the external display signal should not be stopped and started numerous times while detecting and switching image to the external display
--sunset06 13:55, 8 July 2009 (UTC)