Guide Name | F | Guide Lead | Wiki | DocBook | Translated | RPM | HTML |
Installation Guide | F11 | ke4qqq, rudi | N/A | Yes | In Progress | We haven't traditionally done an RPM for the IG | Yes |
Release Notes | F11 | jjmcd, ryanlerch | Yes | Yes (1) | In Progress (2) | Yes | Yes but (3) |
Security Guide | F11 | mhideo, sparks, sradvan | Archived | Yes | In Progress (28Apr) | In Progress (April) | Yes |
SELinux User Guide | F11 | sradvan | No | Yes | In Progress | No | Yes |
SELinux Managing Confined Services Guide | F11 | sradvan | No | In Progress | No | No | Haven't pushed html to anywhere public really |
User Guide | F11 | danielsmw, kirk202 | Yes | Yes | In Progress | No | Yes |
RPM Guide | F12 | No | No | No | No | No |
(1) RC RNs published, Lots of 0-day updates proposed.
(2) RC RNs are published. Translations continue to roll in.
(3) The release notes RPM includes six documents. The release notes proper are available in HTML and are up to date on docs.fp.o. The other docs are not all provided in HTML, and only some are provided on docs.fp.o. Those that are have not been updated yet. Missing updates are largely copyright dates.