About Me
I am Arun SAG.I finished my under graduation in Computer science and *Engineering* from Mepco Schlenk Engineering college,sivakasi, Tamilnadu.I do write some code in php,bash and Qt playing music behind in rhythmbox. I am known as zer0c00l in freenode and you can see him hanging around in #boycottnovell,#fedora,#drupal #dgplug and #l2c2 .
IRC Nick: zer0c00l
Real Name: Arun SAG
Contact Number: +919994989890
Email: sagarun [AT] gmail dot com
Blog URL: My Blog
Foss Experiences
- Have been using Fedora for more than two years.
- I have some experiences with tools like ettercap Nmap and metasploit framework.
- Configured LTSP 4.2 with Fedora 9 as base.
- Created a drupal based web portal for an international conference.
- Participated in Dgplug summer training, Tested and documented Kannel SMS setup on Fedora
- Gave a talk on GNU/Linux,and demonstrated fellow students, how to install and work in fedora.About the Talk Talk Presentation
- Participated in Fossconf09 held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering and demonstrated various security tools available in GNU/Linux.